阅读下面短文,回答下面题。 随着人类使用有机燃料的数量逐步增加,排入大气中的温室气体也越来越多。这些温室气体包括二氧化碳、甲烷、水蒸气、臭氧、氟利昂等。有关资料显示,最近35年间,大气中的二氧化碳含量增加了32.3%。目前,全世界仍在以每年220亿立方米的速度向大气排放二氧化碳。最近35年间,地球的平均气温达到15.3摄氏度,比工业化以前提高了 0.7摄氏度。这一趋势不改变,人类的生存将面临严重威胁。 俄罗斯一些科学家在温室气体的利用方面进行了卓有成效的研究。他们认为,人类可以在燃烧产生的气体中分离出二氧化碳,把它用于生态上无害、经济上高效的生产工、艺流程。比如用于食品、制冷工业,用来生产尿素、甲醇、碱、苛性钾等化工产品,可在冶金工业中充当金属的保护层,还可用于制造灭火剂。 俄罗斯科学家研究出一种应用于热电站的高效燃烧新工艺。这种新工艺的应用可以避免大量的废气尤其是温室气体排入大气,同时可从废气中得到浓度高达95%的工业用二氧化碳。提取这种二氧化碳所需的成本比常规方法大大减小。 另外,俄罗斯科学家还发明了一种将二氧化碳用于石油开采的新工艺。这种工艺是将石油开采中产生的伴生气体充分燃烧,可将燃烧产生的二氧化碳压入油层,增加油层的压力。目前,这两种利用温室气体的工艺已经通过专家鉴定,并已开始在俄罗斯全国推广应用。 (佚名《温室气体利用与研究》) |
There has been, in history, a man who was swallowed by a whale and lived to tell the tale. The man’s name is James Bartley. The records to prove his unusual experience are in the British Admiralty.
Bartley was making his first trip on the whaling ship Star of the East. Suddenly the lookout sighted a huge sperm whale. The whalers knew it was a huge whale by the size of the spray it blew into the air. They lowered their small boats. James Bartley was in the first longboat. The men rowed until they were close to the whale. A harpoon was thrown and it found its mark. It sank into the whale’s flesh. The maddened beast crashed in to the boat, snapping its tail at the men and the wreckage of their boats. When the survivors were picked up, James Bartley was missing.
Shortly before sunset, the whale was finally captured. The sailors tied the whale’s dead-body to the side of the ship. Because of the hot weather it was important that they cut up the whale r
A. they could feel it moving about wildly
B. the whale seemed very heavy
C. the whale was swelling at one spot
D. the captain heard Bartley yelling for help
In every cultivated language there are
two great classes of words. They, taken together,{{U}} (26) {{/U}}the
whole vocabulary. First, there are those words{{U}} (27) {{/U}}which we
become familiar in ordinary conversation, which, we learn,{{U}} (28)
{{/U}}is to say, from the members of our own family and from our friends,
and which we should know and use{{U}} (29) {{/U}}we could not road or
write. They .{{U}} (30) {{/U}}the common things of life, and are the
stock in trade of{{U}} (31) {{/U}}who speak the language. Such words may
be called "popular", since they belong to the people{{U}} (32) {{/U}}and
are not the{{U}} (33) {{/U}}of a limited class only. On the other hand, our language A. occasion B. space C. time D. room [单选题]调整互感器( )压接线柱时,确保试验电流回零,并用万用表测试确认线柱无电流后,方可进行操作。
A.一次 B.二次 C.高压 D.低压 [判断题]三视图之间的投影规律简称“长对正、高平齐、宽相等”。
A.公安机关是带有武装性质的人民民主专政的重要工具 B.公安机关具有预防、制止和惩治违法犯罪活动的职责 C.公安机关只是国家重要的刑事司法力量 D.公安机关具有维护国家安全及社会治安秩序的职责 [单选题]按《屋面工程技术规范》(GB50345-2012)4.2.11,钢筋混凝土檐沟、天沟净宽不应小于( )。
A.100mm B.200m C.300mm D.400mm [简答题]当小机跳闸后如何防止小机油中进水?
A.必修科目 B.选修科目 C.由地方规定 D.学校自行确定 [判断题]年度综合考核结果为不称职或连续两年年度综合考核结果为称职B2的员工将实行待岗或转岗(因请病假而导致年度综合考核结果为不称职或导致连续两年年度综合考核结果为称职B2的员工以及当年已实施待岗处理的员工免于待岗处理),待岗期间工资按待岗工资标准发放,经过培训或调整工作岗位后仍然不能胜任工作的,分公司有权解除劳动合同。。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 多选题 "生产经营单位必须对安全设备进行经常性维护、保养,并定期检测,保证正常运转。( )应当作好记录,并由有关人员签字。
A.检查 B.维护 C.保养 D.检测" [判断题]一批作业(指一张调车作业通知单)不超过三钩或变更计划不超过三钩时,可用口头方式布置(中间站利用本务机车调车除外),有关人员必须复诵。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]糖尿病患者最基本的治疗措施为()
A. 体育锻炼 B. 药物治疗 C. 饮食治疗 D. 并发症治疗 E. 注射胰岛素 [多选题]当电压互感器二次回路熔断器熔断或快速开关跳开时,可能造成误动的保护有(____)。
A.低阻抗保护 B.发电机失磁保护 C.复合电压闭锁过电流保护 D.功率方向保护 [单选题]( )非防爆器械入井和《煤矿安全规程》规定以外 的区域动火作业
A.A、必须 B.B、可以 C.C、需要 D.D、禁止 我来回答: 提交