One afternoon when lessons were over,
Peter and Paul left school. When the boys reached home, it was seven o’ clock.
It was dark outside, but there was a light inside their home and the door was
open. They knew their parents were both at work, so they were surprised to see a
man inside. They could see the man was looking for something. "He must be a thief," Paul said. "I’ll report to the police and you try to talk to him. Then Peter went inside while Paul quickly hurried off to telephone the police. When the man saw Peter, he looked frightened. Then he smiled and said, "You don’t know me, but I’m your father’s friend, he asked me to fetch (取) some money for him." In no time two policemen arrived. As soon as the man saw the policemen, he t [填空题]This is the (important) ______ part of this book.
[判断题]冲击韧度是衡量金属材料抵抗动载荷或冲击力的能力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下哪个设备不能起到过流保护( )。
A.热继电器 B.空气开关 C.熔断器 D.刀开关 [单选题]现行电价制度是由电价种类计价(),电压等级等内容组成,并且对不同性质的用电规定不同的价格。
A.规模 B.业务 C.制度 D. 方式 [单选题]“我国法律的不稳定性确实是一大弊端,我认为我们应当除掉它”,这是( )的话。
A.汉密尔顿 B.华盛顿 C.杰斐逊 D.孟德斯鸠 [判断题]在闭合回路中,列回路方程时,其回路方向可以任意假设。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对机车车辆和邻近线路的建筑物、行车设备所规定的不允许超越的轮廓称为限界。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列进口货物中,属于法定免税进口的货物是( )。
A. 某三资企业以保税方式进口的生产原材料 B. 某大学进口用于科研实验用动物 C. 某化妆品公司用于广告宣传而进口的免费赠送的试用化妆品 D. 残疾人进口的残疾人专用轮椅 [简答题]遇非正常行车【引导进站】模式(进站或进路信号机显示引导信号时),司机应如何进行GYK操作?
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