{{B}}An Intelligent
Car{{/B}} Driving needs sharp eyes, keen ears, quick brain, and coordination between hands and the brain. Many human drivers have all{{U}} (51) {{/U}}and can control a fast-moving car. But how does an intelligent car control itself There is a virtual driver in the smart car. This virtual driver has "eyes", "brains", "hands" and "feet", too. The minicameras {{U}} (52) {{/U}} each side of the car are his "eyes", which observe the road conditions ahead of it. They watch the{{U}} (53) {{/U}}to the car’s left and right. There is also a highly{{U}} (54) {{/U}}driving system in the car. It is the built-in computer, which is the virtual driver’s "brain". His "brain" calculates the speeds of{{U}} (55) {{/U}}mov A. selects B. completes C. uses D. tests [单选题]侧犁操作程序是先操作侧犁“( )”手柄,再操作“伸缩”手柄。
A.伸缩 B.翻转 C.前翼犁 D.后翼犁 [多选题]腹膜内位器官有( )。
A.十二指肠下部 B.空肠 C.阑尾 D.卵巢 E.乙状结肠 [判断题]《环境保护法》规定,环境保护坚持保护优先.预防为主.综合治理.公众参与.损害担责的原则。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消防车( )时,在确保安全的前提下,尽量利用修复的旧件,并尽可能采取部件互换。在一般情况下,不应更换总成或基础件。(中)
A.修理 B.小修 C.维护 D.大修 [判断题]若主风管压力小于3.8bar,列车停放制动自动施加。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 15周岁的李某在当地一名胜古迹的石碑上用小刀刻了“李某到此一游”几个字,被当地公安机关处以100元罚款,并当场收缴。下列说法正确的是( )。
A.李某不满16周岁,应当不予处罚 B.李某的行为应由旅游管理部门处罚 C.当场收缴罚款100元不合法 D.不能当场对李某作出处罚 [单选题] 以下几个工具中不属于完全开源的Hadoop性能检测工具的有()? (3分) 查看答案
A.Chukwa B.Ganglia C.CCom D.Ambari [多选题]无线通信通常有( )几种方式。
A.无线电台通信 B.无线电接力通信 C.卫星通信 D.对流层散射通信 E.移动电话通信 [单选题]个体对生活事件以及因生活事件而出现的自身不平稳状态所采取的认知和行为措施称为()。
A.应激应对 B.压抑 C.适应 D.应激反应 E.应激状态 [单项选择]在市场信息采集中,商业企业进行重点骨干品牌的市场偏好测试,不需要了解品牌的()。
A. 市场基础 B. 消费者分布 C. 零售户分布 D. 产品反馈 [多选题]水炮按照安装方式可分为( )。
A.固定式水炮 B.车载式水炮 C.移动式水炮 D.气动式水炮 [单项选择]How does water scarcity (缺乏) affect people First of all, it (51) their health. It is not that they will die (52) thirst; rather, the poor quality of the water (53) for cooking and drinking may make them ill.
(54) our bodies require water to treat waste products, plentiful water is required for propersanitation (卫生) -water (55) for much of mankind is simply not available. (56) people without adequate sanitation rose from 2.6 billion in 1990 to 2.9 billion in 1999. And sanitation is literally a matter of life and death. In a (57) statement, United Nations officials warned:" When children lack water that is fit (58) drinking and sanitation, virtually every aspect of their health and development is (59) ." Food production is (60) on water. Many crops, of course, are watered by rain, but in recent times irrigation has become the key: (61) the world’ s booming population. Today 36 perc A. from B. of C. out D. off [单选题]客货营业单位运输收入进款必须在收款( )前送存银行。
A.当日 B.次日 C.次日12点前 D.次日18点前 [单项选择]企业与其关联企业之间的业务往来收取或者支付价款、费用应按照( )。
A. 企业对其他关联企业的同类业务情况确定 B. 企业对其关联企业生产、销售或技术的控制和影响情况确定 C. 企业对其关联企业业务往来的频繁程度确定 D. 独立企业之间的业务往来确定 [单选题]组装后在制动缸活塞杆露出部分涂打()铅油标记。
A.白 B.红 C.黑 D.黄 [单项选择]合同实施阶段,竣工结算价是工程的()。
A. 成本价格 B. 预算价格 C. 实际价格 D. 交易价格 [多项选择]从核保角度看较为合理的保险计划是()。
A. 先理财后保障 B. 先重点保家庭经济支柱后保其他家庭成员 C. 保费控制在家庭年收入的10-20%为宜 D. 主要从意外、寿险和重大疾病保障方面考虑 [单项选择]女性,60岁,3年来右上腹隐痛,厌油腻,5小时来突感上腹痛,呈持续性,阵发性加重,呕吐3次胃内容物,寒战发热。急诊查体:血压80/60mmHg,心率124次/分,神清,迟钝,淡漠,上腹部轻压痛,巩膜无黄染。化验:白细胞15.6×10 9/L,中性粒细胞89%,血TBil47.8μmo/L,Bi132.5μmo/L。B超:胆囊5cm×3cm,壁0.6cm,内有多个光团,伴声影,直径0.4~0.6cm,肝内胆管不扩张,肝外胆管直径0.8cm,诊断应考虑
A. 急性爆发性肝炎 B. 急性化脓性梗阻性胆管炎 C. 慢性胆囊炎急性发作 D. 急性胆管炎 E. 急性胰腺炎 [多选题]在电气图中,分别用双字母符号(____)来表示蓄电池和熔断器。
A.BG B.GB C.UF D.FU 我来回答: 提交