Brains are different from computers, but the analogy can be helpful. Like the PC on your desk, your mind is equipped with two basic types of memory: "working memory" for juggling information in the present moment, and "long-term memory" for storing it over extended periods. Contrary to popular wisdom, our brains don’t record everything that happens to us and then bury it until a hypnotist or a therapist helps us dredge it up. Most of what we perceive hovers briefly in working memory, a mental play space akin to a computer’s RAM, then simply evaporates. Working memory enables you to perform simple calculations in your head or retain phone numbers long enough to dial them. And like RAM, it lets you analyze and invent things without creating a lasting record.
Long-term memory acts more like a hard drive, physically recording past experiences in the brain region known as cerebral cor
A. only when information is related to the hippocampus can the sensory neurons start functioning.
B. all the input of information can be functioned by the hippocampus.
C. the hippocampus can transform all the information received into the cortex.
D. only when the hippocampus is functioning can the information be used.