Government is the political system by which a (1) or community is administered and regulated.
Most of (2) key words commonly used to describe governments, words (3) as monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy, are of Greek (4) Roman origin. They have been current for more (5) 2,000 years and have not yet exhausted their (6) . This suggests that mankind has not changed very (7) since they were coined; but such verbal and (8) uniformity must not be allowed to hide the (9) changes in society and politics that have occurred. (10) earliest analytical use of the term monarchy occurred (11) ancient Athens, chiefly in Plato’s dialogues, but even (12) Plato’s time the word was not self-explanatory. There (13) a king in Macedon and a king in Persia, (14) the two societies, and therefore their institutions, (15) radically different. To give real meaning to t
Trying to Find a Partner One of the most striking findings of a recent poll in the UK is that of the people interviewed, one in two believes that it is becoming more difficult to meet someone to start a family with. Why are many finding it increasingly difficult to start and sustain intimate relationships Does modern life really make it harder to fall in love Or are we making it harder for ourselves It is certainly the case today that contemporary couples benefit in different ways from relationships. Women no longer rely upon partners for economic security or status. A man doesn’t expect his spouse to be in sole charge of running his household and raising his children. But perhaps the knowledge that we can live perfectly well without a partnership means that it takes m A. "reduce" B. "shake" C. "maintain" D. "weaken" [单项选择]下列关于人体内激素作用机理的阐述,正确的是()A.激素的作用主要是作为信息分子直接参与靶细胞的新陈代谢B.在血液中含有多种激素C.激素只运输到相应的靶器官、靶细胞D.当激素作用于某一靶细胞后,再通过体液运送作用于其他靶细胞
A. 激素的作用主要是作为信息分子直接参与靶细胞的新陈代谢 B. 在血液中含有多种激素 C. 激素只运输到相应的靶器官、靶细胞 D. 当激素作用于某一靶细胞后,再通过体液运送作用于其他靶细胞 [多选题]电缆测井的优势有()
A.测井深度精确 B.资料品质高 C.费用低 D.井眼影响小 [单项选择]The sharks are circling. Having beaten off one private equity bid, the Sainsbury family is now wrestling with another takeover challenge, from the Qatari-backed investment fund Delta Two. According to Alistair Darling, such smash-and-grab raids on British corporations are to be encouraged. But firms such as Sainsbury’s have a history and meaning in our national life that goes beyond the balance sheet.
In the late 1980s, J. Sainsbury PLC. was feted across the business world as one of the great retailers. its chairman was knighted as the company posted record profits. Founded in London’s Drury Lane in 1869 by John James Sainsbury, it had started as a small dairy selling eggs, milk and "the best butter in London". As late Victorian family incomes rose, urban retailers expanded into the grocery and butchery business. And, in an era of adulterated foods and filthy shops, the Sainsbury ethic of cleanliness, quality and value marked it out. As suburbia expanded, so did Sainsb A. indifferent B. sympathetic C. sarcastic D. optimistic [单选题]35千伏变电站站用直流全部失电为( )。
A.六级设备事件 B.七级设备事件 C.八级设备事件 [单项选择]关于外商投资企业和外国企业购买国产设备投资抵免企业所得税,下列说法正确的有()。
A. 对外商投资企业和外国企业购买国产设备投资抵免的企业所得税,应按企业缴纳的企业所得税和地方所得税计算抵免税额 B. 企业购建的生产线、集成设备,如由进口设备、国产设备以及各种零配件、辅助材料等组成,对符合固定资产标准的,给予抵免企业所得税 C. 企业所购买的设备,如果属于由进口的各项配件、零件简单组装所形成的,给予抵免企业所得税 D. 企业发生合并、分立的,合并、分立前企业尚未抵免的国产设备投资额,可在财税字 [2000]049号文件第三条规定的延续抵免期限的剩余年限内,由合并、分立后的企业延续抵免 [单选题]客户营销中心办理信贷业务必须严格执行( )。
A.双人面谈 B.双人面签 C.双人面谈面签 D.单人面谈面签 [单选题]立交架空慢行地段及两侧各50米的线路轨距、水平、前后高低和方向偏差不得超过经常保养标准,施工单位对正线每()小时站线每4小时检查记录一遍。
A.两 B.三 C.四 D.六 我来回答: 提交