{{B}}Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}} |
Walking Robot Carries a
Person The first walking robot capable of carrying a person unveiled on Friday in Tokyo, Japan. Its creators at Waseda University in Tokyo and the Japanese robotics company Tmsuk hope their two-leg-ged creation will one day enable wheel-chair users to climb up and down the stairs and assist the movement of heavy goods over uneven ground. The battery-powered robot, code-named WL-16, is essentially an aluminium chair mounted on two sets of telescopic poles. The poles are bolted to flat plates which act as feet. WL-16 uses 12 actuators (传动装置) to move forwards, backwards and sideways while carrying an adult weighing up to 60 kilograms (130 pounds). The robot can adjust its body and walk smoothly even if the person it is carrying shifts in the chair. At present A. It can only move forwards and backwards. B. It is a caterpillar model. C. It can walk with a step of up to 136 cm. D. It is equipped with a stick-like controller. [简答题]与奴隶制、封建制相比,资本主义国家作为资产阶级利益和要求的体现是人类社会政治生活的一大进步。
A.定序尺度 B.定距尺度 C.定类尺度 D.定比尺度 [简答题]邮轮游船类商品卖家发布商品标题应遵守哪些规定?
A.批量开出的惠农卡必须经持卡人改密激活后才能进行交易 B.批量开出的惠农卡必须经批量办理人员改密激活后才能进行交易 C.受理网点采用柜台方式为持卡人办理卡片激活,网点工作人员必须当面审核持卡人的居民身份证,以确认激活交易为持卡人本人所为 D.受理网点采用机具方式为持卡人办理卡片激活,网点工作人员必须当面审核持卡人的居民身份证,以确认激活交易为持卡人本人所为 [多选题]属于开拓巷道的有( )。
A.运输大巷 B.井硐 C.主石门 D.井底车场 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [单选题]《普速车站服务质量规范》规定,客运人员面部、双手保持清洁,指甲修剪整齐,长度不超过指尖()毫米,身体外露部位无纹身。
A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 [单选题]下列选项中,不属于促胃液素生理作用的是
A.刺激胃酸分泌 B.促进胃运动 C.刺激胰酶分泌 D.抑制唾液分泌 E.促进唾液分泌 [判断题]在列车上大声喧哗属失信行为,直接纳入铁路旅客信用信息记录管理
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题](75536)在晶体管放大电路中,当集电极电流增大时,晶体管将发生()。[232107215](1.0分)
[填空题]Dingoes are known to attack humans.
[单选题]个人公积金社保信用贷款,贷款逾期或欠息( )天以内未还款,授信中止,借款人还清逾期本金及欠息后,系统恢复授信。
A.10 B.30 C.60 D.90 [单选题] 采用氧气和氩气混合保护气体来焊接低碳钢和低合金钢时,混合气体中的氧的体积分数可达()%。
A.10 B.15 C.20 [简答题]50座机动客车(装有柴油发动机)用的变速箱
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