In recent years a new farming
revolution has begun, one that involves the (61) of life at
a fundamental level--the gene. The study of genetics has (62)
a new industry called biotechnology. As the name suggests, It
(63) biology and modern technology through such techniques
as genetic engineering. Some of the new biotech companies specialize in
agriculture and are working feverishly to (64) seeds that
give a high yield, that (65) diseases, drought and frost,
and that reduce the need for (66) chemicals. If such goals
could be achieved, it would be most (67) . But some have
raised concerns about genetically engineered crops. In nature, genetic diversity is created within certain (68) . A rose can be crossed with a different kind of rose, but a rose will never cross with a potato. Genet A. hazardous B. hydraulic C. hostile D. harmless [单选题]横越线路时,应一站、二看、三通过,注意左右( )及脚下有无障碍物。
A.A、货物装载状态 B.B、机车动态 C.C、车辆动态 D.D、机车、车辆的动态 [判断题]通信单元需具备载波侦听和冲突避让功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
Science develops through objective analysis, instead of
through personal belief. Knowledge gained in science accumulates as time goes
by, building on work performed earlier. Some of this knowledge-such as our
understanding of numbers-stretches back’ to the time of ancient civilizations,
when scientific thought first began. Other scientific knowledge such as
our understanding of genes that cause cancer or of quarks (the smallest known
building block of matter) -dates back less than 50 years. However, in all fields
of science, old or new, researchers use the same systematic approach, known as
the scientific method, to add to what is known.
41__________. For example, in 1676, the English physicist Robert Hooke discovered that elastic objects, such as metal springs, stretch in proportion to the force that acts on them. Despite all the advances that have been made in physics since 1676, this simple law Still holds true. 42__________. Sometimes sci [判断题]安全风险分级管控是指对生产之前发生不同等级事故、伤害的可能性进行辨识评估,预先采取规避、消除或控制安全风险的措施,避免风险失控形成隐患,导致事故。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]近年来,在党中央的领导下,北京奥运会、上海世博会接连成功举办,实现了中华民族的百年梦想,得到国内外高度赞誉。成功举办这两次盛会的重要原因是我国政治制度能够()。
A.维护国际和平与安全 B.发挥中央和地方的积极性 C.调动人民群众的积极性 D.实现世界各国的共同利益 [单选题]客户自备电厂应自发自用,不得自行向厂区外供电。
A.A、正确 B.B、错误 [单选题]内强素质与外塑形象,两者的关系是( )。
A.外部形象决定内在素质 B.外部形象是内在素质的基础 C.相辅相成、辩证统一 D.两者无关系 [单选题]在抢修过程中无法保证( )的,应当从危险区域内撤出作业人员,疏散可能危及的其他人员,设置警戒标识。
A.电网安全 B.设备安全 C.设施安全 D.人身安全 [判断题]方案类文件自发起签批之日起,限期7日内完成。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]中银自助通如何进行存折账户交易补登?
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [填空题]9号道岔侧向允许速度为 km/h。
A. 35℃; B. 37℃; C. 38℃; D. 40℃。 [单项选择]十字星形态的K线表示( )。
A. 多方已经取得了决定性胜利,这是一种涨势的信号 B. 空方已取得优势地位,是一种跌势的信号 C. 多空双方争斗很激烈,双方一度都占据优势,把价格抬到最高价或压到最低价,但是,又都被对方顽强地拉回 D. 多空双方力量暂时平衡,使市场暂时失去方向,但却是一个值得警惕、随时可能改变趋势方向的K线图形 [单项选择]舌淡紫或青紫而润,主
A. 心血瘀阻 B. 肝郁血瘀 C. 瘀阻胃络 D. 热毒炽盛 E. 阴寒内盛 [单选题] 探头折射角为37°的探头用K值表示应为( )。
A.K0.75 B.K0.8 C.K1 D.K2 [多选题]人民法院因下列哪些情形侵犯公民权利,可不承担国家赔偿责任?
A.错判剥夺政治权利的 B.错判有期徒刑缓刑的 C.错判管制刑罚的 D.民事判决执行错误造成损害,依法不能执行回转的 [判断题]列车通过高站台的最高速度不得超过200km/h。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The planet’s wild creatures face a new threat—from yuppies (雅皮士), empty nesters and one parent families.
Biologists studying the pressure on the planet’s dwindling biodiversity today report on a new reason for alarm. Although the rate of growth in the human population is decreasing, the number of individual households is exploding. Even where populations have actually dwindled in some regions of New Zealand, for instance—the numbers of individual households has increased, because of divorce, career choice, smaller families and longer lifespan. Jianguo Liu of Michigan State University and colleagues from Stanford University in California report in Nature, in a paper published online in advance, that a greater number of individual households, each containing on average fewer people, meant more pressure on natural resources. Towns and cities began to sprawl as new homes were built. Each household needed fuel to heat and light it; each household required its own plumbin A. the increase of human population leads to more destruction of the natural world B. the decrease of animal population results from the dwindling biodiversity in the natural world C. the planet’s biodiversity is also related to the number of households D. the planet’s biodiversity relies on the balanced increase of larger and smaller households 我来回答: 提交