We live in a part of the night sky
called the Milky Way Galaxy. Our galaxy can be seen{{U}} (67)
{{/U}}the naked eye at a clear summer night. It{{U}} (68) {{/U}}a
ribbon stretched across the night sky. During the summer is{{U}} (69)
{{/U}}the Milky Way is at its fullest with the stars clustered{{U}} (70)
{{/U}}. Our galaxy is a gigantic agglomeration of stars whose numbers will
probably never been{{U}} (71) {{/U}}, though technology advanced
rapidly. Currently we{{U}} (72) {{/U}}this number to be about thirty
billion. Scientists have assumed that the radius of our galaxy,{{U}}
(73) {{/U}}it were to be traveled, would{{U}} (74) {{/U}}us
about fifty thousand light years. We live in small part of the Milky Way Galaxy,
which is{{U}} (75) {{/U}}to as solar system. The solar system is made up
of nine planets, which{{U}} (76) {{/U} A. circle B. galaxy C. Earth D. sky [填空题]防治德国小蠊主要用()喷洒法。
A.0.2mm B.0.3mm C.0.4mm D.0.5mm [单选题]患者男,60岁。KUB+IVP示一侧肾结石,双侧输尿管上段结石,伴双肾积水,肾功能正常。治疗原则是
A.一次手术取出同侧肾结石输尿管结石 B.单侧输尿管切开取石 C.先取肾结石+肾造瘘 D.一次手术取出双侧结石 E.药物 [简答题]确定海事直接原因和间接原因的原则有哪些?
完好,完整性类别可判为Ⅲ类,否则应判为Ⅳ类。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]满堂脚手架应在架体外侧四周及内部纵、横向每6m至8m由底至顶设置连续竖向剪刀撑。当架体搭设高度在8m以下时,应在架顶部设置连续水平剪刀撑;当架体搭设高度在8m及以上时,应在架体底部及竖向间隔不超过8m分别设置连续水平剪刀撑。水平剪刀撑宜在竖向剪刀撑斜相交平面设置。剪刀撑宽度应为6m-8m。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]从业人员发现( )或者其他不安全因素,应当立即向现场( )或者本单位负责人报告;接到报告的人员应当及时予以处理。
A.事故隐患 B.异常情况 C.安全生产管理人员 D.现场人员 我来回答: 提交