People don’t want to buy information online. Why Because they don’t have to. No more than that because they’re used to not paying for it. That’s the conventional wisdom. Slate, Microsoft’s online politics-and-culture magazine, is an oft-cited example of the failed attempts to charge a fee for access to content. So far, for most publishers, it hasn’t worked.
But nothing on the Web is a done deal. In September graphics-soft-ware powerhouse Adobe announced new applications that integrate commerce into downloading books and articles online, with Simon & Schuster, Barnes and Noble, and Salon. corn among its high-profile partners. Some analysts put the market for digitized publishing at more than $100 billion. Of course, if the Internet can generate that kind of money—some might say almost any kind of money—people want in. And this couldn’t come at a better time. Newspaper and magazine writers in particular are increasin
A. it’s always free to download information from websites
B. most writers offer free copies on Net
C. publishing companies offer free copies on Net
D. anybody can e-mail downloaded copies
患者男性,67岁,慢性萎缩性胃炎病史30年,近半年出现不规律上腹痛,食欲差,消瘦,黑粪。查体:贫血貌,上腹压痛。 |
M: How did you like Egypt
W: Oh, perfect. It’s one of the most interesting places I’ve ever seen.
M: Where did you go
W: Well, we spent most of the time in Cairo and Luxor.
M: What’s there to see in Cairo
W: Well, net all that much, in fact, but there is the museum and the pyramids, and that’s really something.
M: What’s the city like
W: It’s very large, and the streets are always noisy and dirty.
M: I thought you liked it.
W: Well, I did in a way. It’s very different, but I liked Luxor better. Luxor’s a little town right on the banks of the Nile. It’s very quiet and peaceful and much cleaner than Cairo. And actually I did more sightseeing there. M: Did you buy anything
W: Oh, sure. There are some excellent shops in Luxor with all sorts of interesting things. A lot better than Cairo, in fact, I bought a gold necklace. Want to see it
M: Sure
A. Egypt.
B. Cairo.
C. Cairo and Luxor.
In July 1994 Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, was struck by 21 pieces of a comet (彗星). When the fragments (碎片) landed in the southern part of the giant planet, the explosions were watched by scientists here on earth. But what if our own planet was hit by a comet
The year is 2094. It has been announced that a comet is heading towards the Earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two fragments will probably hit the southern part of the Earth. The news has caused panic.
On 17 July, a fragment four kilometers wide enters the Earth’s atmosphere with a huge explosion. About half of the fragment is destroyed. But the major part survives and hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound. The sea boils and an enormous wave is created and spreads. The wall of water rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometres an hour. Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are drowned. The wave moves into the Indian Oce
A. Because they could only live in the warm climate.
B. Because they once dominated the earth.
C. Because their extinction indicates future disasters.
D. Because dinosaurs and humans never live in the same age.
What Is
Death {{/B}} People in the past did not question the difference between life and death. They could see that a person died when his heart stopped beating. People have learned, however, that the body does not die immediately when the heart stops beating. They discovered that we remain alive as long as our brain remains active. Today the difference between life and death is not as easy to see as in the past. Modern medical devices can keep the heart beating and the lungs breathing long after the brain stops. But is this life This question has caused much debate among citizens in the United States. Many of them want a law that says a person is dead when the brain dies. A person should be considered dead A. medical devices B. small electrodes C. he brain waves D. the nerve cells [单选题]地层条件下,促使有机质转化为石油的因素中,地层压力()可促进有机质向石油的转化。
A.稳定 B.降低 C.变化 D.升高 [多项选择]病历摘要:患者,男性,36岁,确诊糖尿病1周,体检为发现明显异常。下列药物中,哪一种(或哪几种)能够促进胰岛素的分泌?()
A. D-860 B. 氯磺丙脲 C. 苯乙双胍 D. 格列喹酮 E. 罗格列酮 F. 瑞格列奈 [判断题]HXN3型内燃机车每个司机室内安装一个EFCO按钮开关。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]病历摘要:患者男,56岁,今天吃早餐时,突然右手乏力,碗筷跌落在地,身子歪向一侧,不能言语,右口角流涎,呕吐一次,为胃内容物,非喷射状,于晚上9点急诊入院。既往有心悸、气促、心慌5年,未曾就诊。体查:T36℃,P100次/分,R21次/分,BP125/70mmHg。心律不齐,心音强弱不等,快慢不一,心尖区3级收缩期杂音,脉搏短拙。呼吸节律整,双肺呼吸音清,未闻及干、湿性啰音。神志清楚,混合性失语,双眼左侧凝视,瞳孔等大,光反射存在,眼底正常。口角左歪,右鼻唇沟变浅,伸舌不合作。右侧肢体无自主活动,痛刺激下肌力约2级,肌张力低,右侧腱反射低,右侧Rossolimo氏征(+),右侧Babinski氏征(+)。右侧肢体对痛刺激反应差,颈无抵抗感,双侧Kennig氏征(-)。头颅CT显示左侧脑室消失,中线向右移位2cm,主要的治疗措施是()
A. 加强脱水 B. 头部冰敷 C. 外科去骨瓣减压 D. 高流量吸氧 E. 制酸药 F. 利尿 [单选题]使用非弹条扣件时,对线路坡度大于( )地段、制动地段、驼峰线路和正线、到发线上的道岔、绝缘接头、桥梁(明桥面)前后各75 m地段,应按具体情况适当安装防爬设备。
A.2‰ B.4‰ C.6‰ D.8‰ [单项选择]出单与配送时间的确认上,请客户到机构上门投保,保险起期距签单日期()
A. T+1 B. T+2 C. T+3 [单选题]重要装备、安全设施以及涉密场所、高危场所(岗位)应当设置明显的( )、安全操作流程和风险处置要则。
A.安全标识标语 B.无字标语 C.不明显标语 D.微型安全标语 [单项选择]机车车辆、动车、重型轨道车的车轮落下轨面即为()。
A. 挤岔 B. 冲突 C. 脱轨 [单选题]脚手架运料斜道宽度不小于( )m.坡度不应大于(C).
A.1.2;1:5 B.1.5;1:5 C.1.5;1:6 D.1.2:1:6 [单选题]患者,男,60岁。有长期饮酒史,现症腹大胀满,青筋显露,牙龈出血,口干咽燥,心烦失眠,小便短少,舌红少津,脉细数。其证候是( )。
A.湿热蕴结 B.寒湿困脾 C.脾肾阳虚 D.肝脾血瘀 E.肝肾阴虚 [单选题]使用撬棍拨道时,撬棍应插牢,( ),统一行动,严禁骑压或肩扛撬棍拨道。
A.做好防护 B.听从指挥 C.人员要站齐 D.防止碰撞 [单选题]党的十九大报告提出的“四个伟大”是: 。( )
A.伟大战斗,伟大工程,伟大事业,伟大理想; B.伟大斗争,伟大工程,伟大事业,伟大梦想; C.伟大战斗,伟大工程,伟大成就,伟大梦想; D.伟大斗争,伟大建设,伟大事业,伟大理想。 [判断题]红外热像仪检测时尽量避开视线中的封闭遮挡物,如门和盖板等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 消防救援队伍在灭火战斗,不是作战原则为()。(1.0分)
A. 先控制、后消灭 B. 集兵力、准确迅速 C. 攻防并举、固移结合 D. 分清情况、调足第一出动力量 [单选题]下列哪项不是碘的生物学作用
A.碘通过甲状腺促进蛋白质的合成 B.活化多种酶 C.调节能量代谢 D.加速生长发育 E.维持正常的造血功能及铁的代谢 [单选题]列尾装置在使用前,必须按规定进行( ),合格后方可投入运用。
A.试验 B.建立关系 C.检测 D.通电 [单选题]孙奶奶,66岁,做饭时不慎被热油烫伤右手及右前臂,自觉剧痛,她的烫伤面积为( )
A.5% B.5.5% C.6% D.8.5% E.9% 我来回答: 提交