Personality is to a large extent inherent——A-type parents usually bring about A-type off-spring. But the environment must also have a (1) effect, since if competition is important to the parents, it is likely to become a (2) factor in the lives of their children.
One place where children (3) A-characteristics is school, which is, by its very nature, a highly competitive institution. Too many schools adopt the ’win at all costs’ moral standard and (4) their success by sporting (5) The current passion for making children compete against their classmates or against the clock produces a two-layer system, in which competitive A-type seem in some way better than their B-type fellows. Being too (6) to win can have dangerous (7) : remember that Pheidippides, the first marathon runner, dropped (8) seconds after saying: "Rejoice, we (9) !"
(10) the worst form of competiti
A. By far
B. Until
C. So far
D. However
61) The earlier type of suburb, which was most dependent on the railroad, had a special advantage that could be fully appreciated only after it had disappeared. These suburbs, spread out along a railroad line, were discontinuous and properly spaced; and without the aid of legislation (法规) they were limited in population as well as area; for the biggest rarely held as many as ten thousand people, and under five thousand was more usual. In 1950, for example, Bronxville, New York, a typical upper-class suburb, had 6,778 people, while Riverside, Illinois, founded as early as 1869, had only 9,153.
62) The size and scale of the suburb, that of a neighborhood unit, was not entirely the result of its open planning, which favored low densities. Being served by a fail road line, with station stops from three to five miles apart, there was a natural limit to the spread of any particular community. 63) House had to be sited "within easy walking distance of the r
During the first 70 years of the 20th century,
inequality declined and Americans prospered together. Over the last 30 years, by
contrast, the United States developed the most unequal distribution of income
and wages of any high-income country. Some analysts see the gulf between the rich and the rest as an incentive for strivers, or as just the way things are. Others see it as having a corrosive effect on people’s faith in the markets and democracy. Still others contend that economic polarization is a root cause of America’s political polarization. Could, and should, something be done Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz, two Harvard economists, think yes. Their book, the Race Between Education and Technology (Harvard, $ 39.95), contain many tables, a few equations and a powerfully told story about h A. It is a research on human capital. B. It is intended for economists. C. It is a happy fireside read. D. It is rich in data. [单项选择]1997年7月爆发的东南亚金融危机从下列哪一事件开始的?()
A. 韩国政府被迫宣布货币贬值 B. 俄罗斯发生债务危机 C. 泰铢贬值、泰国政府放弃实行多年的固定汇率 D. 日本泡沫经济破灭 [名词解释]起居注
[多选题]中央银行的( )是构成金融安全网的三大支柱。
A.最后贷款人制度 B.信用制度 C.金融监管机构的审慎监管 D.存款保险制度 E.金融风险防范制度 [单项选择]使用手触法时应先用手指感觉温度,再用手背判断温度。手触判断温度在90℃以下,不能手触时为()
A. 平热 B. 烧损 C. 强热 D. 激热 [多选题]以下关于电缆敷设验收标准错误的是()
A.原则上10kV以下与10kV及以上电压等级电缆宜分开敷设 B.电力电缆和控制电缆不应配置在同一层支架上 C.不同电压等级电缆间宜设置防火隔板等防护措施 D.同通道敷设的电缆应按电压等级的高低从下向上分层布置 [单项选择]直接影响人们完成活动质量和数量水平的个性心理特征称为( )
A. 思维 B. 性格 C. 能力 D. 兴趣 E. 意志 [判断题]未对违规人员进行责任追究的,不得对错误的征信数据进行更正。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]派有押运人的货物,托运人要求增派押运人时,须经收货人承认。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交