该物业服务企业在领取营业执照之日的( )内,须持营业执照、企业章程、验资证明、企业法人代表的身份证明等资料向当地的房地产主管部门申请资质。 Children are{{U}} (62)
{{/U}}serious illnesses because of their parents smoking at home, rays the
government’s chief medical officer, who has warned adults not to light{{U}}
(63) {{/U}}in front of their sons and daughters. Sir Liam Donaldson, Britain’s most senior doctor, {{U}} (64) {{/U}}that there would be a further{{U}} (65) {{/U}}crackdown on smoking after the ban comes into force in England next Sunday. He promised renewed public health advertising campaigns to try to educate parents who smoke. "We will strengthen and make{{U}} (66) {{/U}}the message to parents about the risks to their children of smoking. This is something we will need to constantly remind them about." "{{U}} (67) {{/U}}the number of parents who make is falling, children’s exposure{{U}} (68) {{/U}}parental smoke remains "a problem area", he sa A. unacceptable B. unhelpful C. unhealthful D. unusual [单选题]牙
A.上颌磨牙有3个牙根 B.乳牙中没有磨牙 C.牙冠表面没有牙骨质 D.牙周膜介于牙龈与牙槽骨之间 E.牙冠都呈方形 [单选题]任何单位、( )都有参加有组织的灭火工作的义务。
A.成年人 B.个人 C.公民 D.职工 [判断题]办理进路前,不需要检查其进路上的道岔位置是否正确。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]男性,60岁,进行性呼吸困难、间断发热1年,伴有干咳,偶有黄白痰,活动后气短明显,有间断发热,在当地按"肺炎"抗炎治疗效果不佳,近一周气短症状加重来诊。查体:慢性病容,呼吸略促,口唇发绀,双肺背部可闻及Velcro啰音,心率100次/分,无杂音,可见杵状指。肺CT示两肺中下叶弥漫性结节、网格状阴影,近胸膜下可见蜂窝肺改变。肺功能限制性通气功能障碍,弥散功能降低。无特殊环境接触史和用药史。为明确诊断,还需完善下列哪些检查()
A. 支气管肺泡灌洗 B. 动脉血气分析 C. 支气管舒张试验 D. 支气管激发试验 E. 肺部增强CT F. CT肺动脉造影 G. 支气管镜肺活检 [单选题]采用( )灭火时,必须确认灌注、封堵空间人员已全部撤离。
A.隔离法 B.冷却法 C.窒息法 D.抑制法 [单选题]支付给证券登记结算机构的费用称为( )。
A.手续费 B.印花税 C.过户费 D.佣金 [判断题]营造安全和谐的氛围与环境,有序推进电力安全文化建设,不断提高人员安全意识和安全技能,培养良好的安全行为习惯,提升各类人员综合安全素养。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交