The earth is witnessing an urban
revolution, as people worldwide crowd into towns and cities. In 1800 only
five percent of the world’s population were urban dwellers; now the proportion
has risen to more than forty-five percent, and by the year 2010 more people will
live in towns and cities than in the countryside. Humanity will, for the first
time, have become a predominantly urban species. Though the world is getting more crowded by the day, absolute numbers of population are less important than where people concentrate and whether these areas can cope with them. Even densities, however, tell us nothing about the quality of the infrastructure’-roads, housing and job creation, for example--or the availability of crucial services. The main question, then, is not how many people there are in a given area, but how well their A. has risen to around forty percent in the last 200 years B. will have risen to more than fifty percent by the year 2010 C. has risen by forty-five percent since 1800 D. will five in cities for The first time [多项选择]我国事业单位公职人员的传统管理方法存在的弊端是()。
A. 服务水平跟不上社会事业的发展 B. 管理方式行政化 C. 用人机制不灵活 D. 效率不高、机构臃肿 [多项选择]药物稳定性加速试验是
A. 温度加速试验法 B. 湿度加速试验法 C. 空气干热试验法 D. 光加速试验法 E. 隔热空气试验法 [判断题]“掌尚钱包”是我行掌上银行(智芯系列)业务的专有品牌名称。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]作业过程中,工作负责人、专责监护人应始终在现场认真监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]EK-812SV板用于程控系统,输入电压为19~32V,输出电压稳定在( )。
A.10V B.12V C.15V D.24V [单项选择]以下处罚措施不属于行政处罚的是( )。
A. 警告 B. 罚款 C. 行政拘留 D. 开除 [单项选择]对总承包的施工项目,分包单位应不服从所导致发生生产安全事故的,由()单位承担主要责任。
A. 分包 B. 总包 C. 监理 D. 甲方 [单项选择]食物的五味各具不同的医疗功能,其中具有缓和补养作用的是( )。
A. 酸 B. 甘 C. 苦 D. 咸 [多选题]贫困户主要分为四类,即扶贫低户、()
A.A、 残疾户 B.B、 纯低保户 C.C、 五保户 D.D、 一般贫困户 [名词解释]火海征
A.衬垫层 B.填充层 C.绝缘层 D.屏蔽层 [单选题]在安装有道口信号轨道电路(闭路式和开路式制式)的区段,须采用道口专用补偿电容,ZPW?CBGD-2600对应载频下等效电容值( )。[321010102]
A.40uF±4uF B.46uF±4.6uF C.55uF±5uF D.55uF±5.5uF [单选题](47536)60kg/m轨型,混凝土轨枕线路接头轨枕间距为( )mm。(1.0分)
A.440 B.500 C.540 D.600 [单选题]欲行全子宫加双附件切除,不需要切断的韧带是
A.圆韧带 B.卵巢固有韧带 C.卵巢悬韧带 D.阔韧带 E.主韧带 [单项选择]证券公司应当制作风险揭示书,充分揭示客户参与定向资产管理业务的风险不包括 ( )。
A. 市场风险 B. 管理风险 C. 合规风险 D. 流动性风险 [单选题]京包线集大间和张集线:下行正线道岔及站线侧向过车频繁道岔宜( )打磨一次。
A.每半月 B.每月 C.每两月 D.每季度 我来回答: 提交