[单选题]清扫充换电设备精密元器件时,应( ),防止造成元器件损坏。
A.不带手套 B.戴绝缘手套 C.戴线手套 D.戴防静电手套 [单选题]离子顺电-化学梯度通过细胞膜属于
A.单纯扩散 B.原发性主动转运 C.继发性主动转运 D.载体介导的易化扩散 E.通道介导的易化扩散 [简答题]肠结核进一步检查
A. wealthy B. wealth C. wealthier D. wealthiest [单选题]停电线路、设备的断开点,应有能够反映线路、设备运行状态的电气和机械等指示。无明显断开点也无电气、机械等指示时,应断开()。
A.同级电源 ) B.下一级电源 C.上一级电源 D.断路器(开关 [判断题]一般事故分为一般A类事故、一般B类事故、一般C类事故、一般D类事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Feld, the shoemaker, was annoyed that his helper, Sobel, was so insensitive to his reverie that he wouldn’t for a minute cease his fanatic pounding at the other bench. He gave him a look, but Sobel’s bald head was bent over the last as he worked, and he didn’t notice. The shoemaker shrugged and continued to peer through the partly frosted window at, the near-sighted haze of falling February snow. Neither the shifting white blur outside, nor the sudden deep remembrance of the snowy Polish village where he had wasted his youth could turn his thoughts from Max, the college boy (a constant visitor in the mind since early that morning when Feld saw him trudging through the snowdrifts on his way to school), whom he so much respected because of the sacrifices he had made throughout the years in winter or direst heat—to further his education.
An old wish returned to haunt the shoemaker: that he had had a son instead of a daughter, but this blew away in the snow for Feld, if anything, was A. Feld may not have a happy childhood. B. Feld cherished his childhood memories. C. Feld thought highly of man of perseverance. D. Feld lived an affluent but empty life. [单项选择]pka-pH=Ig(Cm/)
A. 胃空速率 B. pH-分配学说 C. 溶出速率方程 D. 表观分布容积 E. 绝对生物利用度 [判断题]消防员实行全程退出机制,不适合从事消防救援工作,以及其他原因经组织批准的,安排退出。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]铁质配电箱箱体的铁板厚度为不小于( )。
A.1.0mm B.1.2mm C.1.5mm D.2.0mm [简答题]汉代铭刻书法可包括哪几大类,请结合实例阐述各类别的艺术风格?
接地箱的安装前验收与检查包括()。 A.箱体材料符合技术文件要求 B.检查接地箱内部零件应齐全 C.检测箱体及部件符合要求 D.检查箱体内部零件连接符合要求 [单选题]男性,73岁,有慢性咳嗽史20余年,已并发肺气肿。近3天来因受凉而致发热,咳嗽剧烈,呼吸困难夜间尤甚,体检:患者下肢水肿,心率120次/分。实验室检查:血钾为2.5mmol/L。对该患者的首要治疗措施为
A.吸氧 B.利尿 C.止咳 D.控制心律失常 E.控制感染 [单选题]密度计是用来检测蓄电池()的器具。
A.电解液密度 B.电压 C.容量 D.输出电流 [多选题]《行规》规定留存或收回的( )、书面通知,保管2个月。(应知应会-《行规》第76条)
A. 红色许可证 B. 绿色许可证 C. 出站(跟踪)调车通知书 D. 半自动闭塞发车进路通知书 [单选题]原油在燃烧过程中随着时间的延长()会逐渐向液体深层延伸。
A.加热层 B.分离层 C.液化层 D.隔离层 [单选题]ABA009 ( )是保持物质原有成分和一切化学性质的最小微粒子。
A. 原子 B. 离子 C. 电子 D. 分子 [单选题]每年( )前,电气化铁路区段各单位按《电气化铁路有关人员电气安全规则》的规定完成全员培训和考试,考试合格后,方准参加电气化铁路的相关作业。
A.43921 B.43931 C.43936 D.43941 [单选题]如果被审计单位变更了重要的会计政策,注册会计师应当考虑变更的原因及其适当性,下列选项 中不属于该考虑范围的是( )。
A.会计政策变更是否是法律、行政法规或者适用的会计准则和相关会计制度要求的变更 B.会计政策变更是否能够提供更可靠、更相关的会计信息 C.被审计单位是否有足够的资源支持会计政策的运用 D.会计政策的变更是否得到恰当处理和充分披露 [填空题]信息的流动,实际上就是信息在互联网中的不断()过程。
A. 只承认联系,否认发展 B. 只承认发展,否认联系 C. 从否认联系到否认运动、变化和发展 D. 只承认运动,否认联系和发展 我来回答: 提交