某食品公司生产袋装食品,其容量服从正态分布,规定均值μ=245(ml),标准差σ=3(ml)。今从中随机抽取32袋,测得样本均值=246(ml)。 |
In a paper just published in Science,
Peter Gordon of Columbia University uses his study of the Piraha and their
counting system to try to answer a tricky linguistic question. The Piraha, a
group of hunter-gatherers who live along the banks of the Maiei River in Brazil,
use a system of counting called "one-two-many". In this, the word for "one"
translates to "roughly one" (similar to "one or two" in English), the word for
"two" means "a slightly larger amount than one" (similar to "a few" in English),
and the word for "many" means "a much larger amount". This question was posed by Benjamin Lee Whorl in the 1930s. Whorl studied Hopi, an Amerindian language very different from tile Eurasian languages that had hitherto been the subject of academic linguistics. His work led him to suggest that language not only influences thought but, mo A. the Dani’s thought was strongly restricted by their language B. the Dani could recognize more than they could name C. it is doubtful language influences what people think about D. there is considerable proof indicating language’s decisive role [单选题]有限空间气体浓度检测,以下氧含量合格为( )。
A.0.2 B.0.26 C.0.24 D.0.25 [单项选择]()以下文化程度不可申请《特种设备作业人员证》的培训考核。
A. 小学 B. 初中 C. 高中 D. 大学 [单项选择]“天下皆知美之为美,斯恶矣;皆知善之为善,斯不善矣;故有无相生,难易有成。”这一观点是下列哪一派别的思想()。
A. 道家 B. 儒家 C. 墨家 D. 法家 [单选题]调车模式下,动车组限速()km/h。
A.20 B.30 C.40 D.45 [多选题] 下列设备属于防爆安检设备的有( )。
A. X射线检查设备 B. 半球形摄像机 C. 质谱分析设备 D. 毫米波探测设备 E. 金属探测设备 [单选题]航空器加油时,应接地的是_________
A.航空器 B.加油设备 C.A+B [判断题]录像机自动调谐系统中,当BT端无电压输出,则所有频道均不能正常接收电视节目
A.睾丸间质细胞 B.睾丸曲细精管 C.睾丸支持细胞 D.卵泡内膜细胞 E.卵泡颗粒细胞 [单项选择]对肾功能不全患者较为安全的降糖药是
A. 甲苯磺丁脲 B. 氯磺丙脲 C. 格列喹酮 D. 格列本脲 [不定项选择题]关于辅助逆变器中功率模块说法不正确的是( )
A.功率模块中共有6个IGBT B.每个IGBT都并联了一个反向的二级管进行续流 C.每个IGBT都并联了一个电容进行保护 D.每两个IGBT串联,并形成三组并联的逆变电路 E.每个时刻对应有两个IGBT处于导通状态 我来回答: 提交