Google must be the most ambitious
company in the world. Its stated goal, "to organize the world’s information and
make it universally accessible and useful," deliberately omits the word "web" to
indicate that the company is reaching for absolutely all information everywhere
and in every form. From books to health records and videos, from your
friendships to your click patterns and physical location, Google wants to know.
To some people this sounds uplifting, with promises of free access to knowledge
and help in managing our daily lives. To others, it is somewhat like another Big
Brother, no less frightening than its totalitarian (极权主义的) ancestors for being
in the private information. Randall Stross, a journalist at the New York Times, does a good job of analyzing this unbounded ambition in his book "Planet Google". One chapter is about the huge data A. Google controls all information completely. B. Google fails to keep its promise of offering free access. C. Google is violating people’s privacy. D. Google improves people’s lives greatly. [单项选择]下列______表示域名是正确的。
A. sundajie@ B. C. http:∥ D. [单项选择] A survey is a study, generally in the form of an interview or a questionnaire, that provides
information concerning how people think and act. In the United States, the best-known
surveys are the Gallup poll and the Harris poll. As anyone who watches the news during Line
campaigns presidential knows, these polls have become an important part of political life in
(5) the United States.
North Americans are familiar with the many "person on the street interviews on local
television news shows. While such interviews can be highly entertaining, they are not
necessarily an accurate indication of public opinion. First, they reflect the opinions of only
those people who appear at a certain location. Thus, such samples can be biased in favor
(10)of commuters, middle-class shoppers, or factory workers, depending On which area the
newspeople select. Second, television interviews tend to attract outgoing people who are
willing to appear o
A. utilize B. consider C. design D. defend [单选题]下列企业属于资源税纳税义务人的是( )。
A.生产销售食用盐的工厂 B.进口原煤的上市公司 C.销售外购已税原煤的企业 D.开采铁矿石的上市公司 [多项选择]并殖吸虫病应与哪些疾病鉴别()
A. 肺结核 B. 囊虫病 C. 结核性胸膜炎 D. 颅内肿瘤 E. 霍乱 [单选题]需求计划预测是指对满足公司基建、技改、营销、信息化、固定资产零购、电源项目以及其他正常生产经营所需求的()进行预测。
A.物资 B.物资及服务 C.工程 D.工程及服务 [单项选择]患者男,25岁,因“双下肢水肿4周”来诊。查体:BP100/65mmHg。实验室检查:尿蛋白(++++),尿RBC1~3/HP,尿WBC0~4/HP;Hb120g/L;SCr80μmol/L。最可能的诊断是()
A. 急性肾小球肾炎 B. 急进性肾小球肾炎 C. 慢性肾小球肾炎 D. 隐匿性肾小球肾炎 E. 肾病综合征 [判断题][判断题]()当事人对巳经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,认为有错误向原审人民法院申请再审的,原审法院应停止判决、裁定的执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]汽车等奢侈品的需求弹性属于( )。
A. 完全弹性 B. 完全无弹性 C. 富有弹性 D. 缺乏弹性 [单项选择]婴幼儿对想象的事物产生恐惧的时间大约是从()开始。
A. 7个月以下 B. 1岁 C. 2岁 D. 3岁 [简答题]新开业店申请门市价定价及VI四件套制作,需填写什么
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于处女膜闭锁,描述不正确的是()
A. 系尿生殖窦上皮未能贯穿前庭部所致 B. 可逐渐发展至子宫积血、输卵管积血,甚至腹腔内积血 C. 绝大多数患者至青春期时,因逐渐加剧的周期性下腹痛,但无月经来潮时始被发现 D. 手术治疗待积血大部分排出后,常规检查宫颈及宫腔是否正常 E. 可见处女膜向外膨隆,表面呈紫蓝色,无阴道开口 [多选题]国家移民管理机构公文由办公室统筹()、销毁工作。
A.收发 B.审核 C.用印 D.归档 [单选题]《南昌局集团公司时速160公里动力集中动车组客运组织管理办法》(南铁客〔2019〕268号)规定,160动车组站停作业时,车站确认列车旅客乘降、上水、吸污等客运作业完毕后,使用无线对讲设备通知()与客运有关的作业完毕。
A.列车长 B.司机 C.动车组机械师 D.客运值班员 [多选题]消防抢险救援手套不适合在( )等情况使用
A.灭火作业 B.化学 C.电气 D.电磁 E.核辐射 [单选题] 年10月24日,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号甲运载火箭将( )卫星成功送入太空,标志着我国月球探测工程迈出了重要的一步。
A.“神舟”一号 B.“神舟”二号 C.“嫦娥”一号 D.“嫦娥”二号 [单选题]糖皮质激素隔日疗法的根据在于
A.口服吸收缓慢而完全 B.体内代谢灭活缓慢 C.与靶细胞受体结合牢固 D.其在体内的分泌有昼夜规律 E.有效血药浓度持久 [判断题]接触网线岔是由一根限制管、两个定位线夹和固定限制管的螺栓组成
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]阳气虚衰之胸痹的主症为( )
A.胸闷气短 B.心悸汗出 C.畏寒肢冷 D.舌苔白腻 [多项选择]在相关范围内,不随业务量的变动而变动的成本有()。
A. 单位变动成本 B. 单位固定成本 C. 变动成本总额 D. 固定成本总额 [单项选择]AGP 2x规定的总线速率是()。
A. 33MHz B. 66MHZ C. 100MHz D. 133MHz [多选题]在社会工作研究中,定量研究与定性研究的特性是相对的,两者的差异主要表现在()。
A.资料特性不同 B.研究策略不同 C.研究内容不同 D.研究和理论的关系不同 E.研究者与研究对象关系不同 [判断题]脱离电源后,触电者神志清醒,应让触电者来回走动,加强血液循环。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交