Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C, or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Text 1 When, in the age of automation, man searches for a worker to do the tedious, unpleasant jobs that are more or less impossible to mechanize, he may very profitably consider the ape. If we tackled the problem of breeding for brains with as much enthusiasm as we devote to breeding dogs of surrealistic shapes, we could eventually produce assorted models of useful primates, ranging in size from the gorilla down to the baboon, each adapted to a special kind of work. It is not putting too much strain on the imagination to assume that geneticists could produce a super-ape, which is able to understand some scores of words and capable of being trained for such jobs as picking fruit, cleaning up the litter in parks, shining shoes, collecting garbage, doing household chores and
A. the human supervisor.
B. the geneticists as a whole.
C. the non-human worker.
D. the man breeding super-apes.
How a Terrible Battle Helped to Change
Europe Ninety years ago on a sunny morning in Northern France,something happened that changed Britain and Europe for ever.At half past seven on the morning of July 1,1916,whistles blew and thousands of British soldiers{{U}} (51) {{/U}}their positions to attack their German enemies.{{U}} (52) {{/U}}the end of the day,20,000 of them were dead,and another 30,000 wounded or missing.The Battle of the Somme,{{U}} (53) {{/U}}it is called,lasted for six months.When it ended,125,000British soldiers were dead.They had gained five kilometers of ground. This was one of a series of great battles during the WWI. The{{U}} (54) {{/U}}on the Somme was staged to relieve pressure on the French,who were{{U}} (55) {{/U}}in a great A. why B. which C. where D. what [判断题]CCTV中心交换机VLAN数量:128K,可扩展。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]海上特种用途船安全证书的有效期不超过_年
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [单选题]茯苓药材主产地是
[多选题]行调决定救援后,若故障列车在区间时,原则上不封锁区间线路,但有下列( )情况下须封锁区间线路。
A.使用工程车救援 B.救援电客车车载ATP故障 C.故障列车车载ATP故障 D.故障列车所在区间轨旁ATP故障 E.以上都对 [单项选择]血小板增多,可见于
A. 再生障碍性贫血 B.急性白血病 B. 脾功能亢进 C. 弥散性血管内凝血 D. 急性出血后 [多选题]下列说法正确的有( )。
A.期权赋予持有者做某事的权利,但持有者不负有必须行使这份权利的责任 B.签订期货合同不会产生成本,但需要缴付交易费及保证金 C.欧式期权在期权期限内的任何时间都可行使期权 D.投资者必须为期权合同支付溢价 [单选题]25.()系统属DCS分布式系统,系统网络中的每一个节点,独立执行分配的任务,不会因为一个节点的离线,影响整个网络的运行。
A.SCADA B.Forcecontrol C.ODBC D.CDMA [单选题]《国铁集团客运部关于12306网站新增业务办理事项的通知》(客营电【2021】15号)规定遇特殊情况列车无法正常运行至终点站,旅客办理电子客票退差(退票)手续时,系统根据购票发站和出站检票记录判定已乘区间,如出站检票记录显示为()的,作退票处理。
A.非购票发站 B.购票发站 C.非旅客乘车站 D.旅客乘车站 [多选题]干式电抗器运维细则中,下列对电抗器规定描述正确的是()。
A.应接地良好 B.本体风道通畅 C.上方架构和四周围栏不应构成闭合环路 D.周边无铁磁性杂物 [单项选择]病毒性脑炎的临床特点是
A. 注意力缺陷,活动过度 B. 中枢性运动障碍,姿势异常 C. 以精神和意识障碍为突出表现 D. 脑膜刺激征阳性、惊厥;高热、头痛 E. 肢体某一部分抽搐、不伴意识丧失 [填空题]集中联锁车站的进站、进路、出站信号机,通过信号机,当机车或车辆()越过该信号机后自动关闭。
[多选题]通过直接接触,面试可以使用人单位全面了解应聘者的( )。
A.社会背景 B.语言表达能力 C.个人修养 D.逻辑思维能力 E.反应能力 [单项选择]骨盐的主要成分
A. 有机钙 B. 碳酸钙 C. 磷酸氢钙 D. 羟磷灰石 E. 蛋白质结合钙 [多选题]以下消防控制室内设备的布置说法正确的是( )
A.设备面盘前的操作距离,单列布置时不应小于 1.5m,双列布置时不应小于 2m B.在值班人员经常工作的一面,设备面盘至墙的距离不应小于 5m C.设备面盘后的维修距离不宜小于1.5m D.设备面盘的排列长度大于 4m 时,其两端应设置宽度不小于 1m 的通道 [简答题]反应、分馏故障紧急停工时,脱硫岗位应如何调整操作?
[多选题]调整钩位、处理钩销时,不得探身至两车钩之间。对平车( ) 及特种车辆,应特别注意端板支架、缓冲器、风档及货物装载状态。/*《铁路车站行车作业人身安全规定》*/
A.敞车 B.棚车 C.砂石车 D.罐车 E.客车 [判断题]综合扭绞电缆线间绝缘电阻,使用高阻兆欧表测试,每千米不小于3000M欧。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]完成血小板黏附功能所需条件是( )
A. 血小板数量增多 B. 微血管壁的结构正常 C. GPⅠb和vWF含量正常以及内皮下层组织成分的存在 D. 血浆总蛋白、血液电解质浓度及pH值均正常 E. GPⅡb和vWF含量正常以及内皮下层组织成分存在 [多选题]敏感性分析的步骤包括( )。
A.选定需要分析的不确定因素 B.计算确定因素的临界点 C.计算因不确定因素变动引起的评价指标的变动值 D.计算敏感度系数并对敏感因素进行排序 E.确定进行敏感性分析的经济评价指标 [单选题] 在对密闭房间进行排烟时,为防止发生轰燃应采取的措施是( )(难)
A. 逐渐开启排烟口,使用开花水枪掩护 B. 先开启进风口,再开启排烟口 C. 先开启排烟口,再用大量水稀释 D. 减少排烟口数量和面积 我来回答: 提交