{{B}}Chicago{{/B}} Chicago, lying in the east of the USA, is the rather young American city. It was almost completely rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1871. One’s first impression of the city may include streams of cars running to-and-fro on the highways, skyscrapers and the wide green water of Lake Michigan, which lies to the northeast of the city. The area of the city is over 228 square miles with a population of about 3 million. The climate of Chicago on the whole is almost the same as that of Beijing with rather hot days in summer, colorful and fresh days in fall and icy but often clear days in winter. [单选题]大面积烧伤引起休克的主要原因是( )
A.疼痛刺激 B.细菌感染 C.烧伤毒素人血 D.大量体液渗出 E.大量血球破坏 [判断题]班组应合理安排工作计划,创造员工受训机会。
A. 拢起的黄色 B. 拢起的红色 C. 展开的黄色 D. 展开的红色 [多选题]参与公司系统所承担电气工作的外单位或外来人员工作前,设备运维管理单位应告知( )。
A.作业方法 B.现场电气设备接线情况 C.危险点 D.安全注意事项 [多选题]限界分为( )。
A.车辆限界 B.设备限界 C.机车限界 D.建筑限界 [单选题]某企业目前流动比率为 1.6,若赊购材料若干,则赊 购后企业( )。
A.营运资本增加 B.流动比率下降 C.速动比率提高 D.现金比率提高 [单项选择]如果烟丝水分过高,PASSIM卷烟机风分除梗中含()会过多。
A. 烟头 B. 杂物 C. 烟丝 D. 烟油 [单选题]采用非吸气型喷射装置的泡沫喷淋保护非水溶性甲,乙,丙类液体时,应选用( )
A.水成膜泡沫液或成膜氟蛋白泡沫液 B.蛋白泡沫液 C.氟蛋白泡沫液 D.抗溶性泡沫液 [单选题] 协调性子宫收缩乏力的主要特征是( )
A.出现子宫痉挛性狭窄环 B.宫缩失去对称性和极性 C.产妇疼痛难忍 D.宫缩间歇期宫底部不能完全松弛 E.宫缩时按压宫底部可出现凹陷 我来回答: 提交