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A. 酸枣仁、甘草、川芎、知母、茯神 B. 酸枣仁、甘草、白芍、远志、茯神 C. 酸枣仁、甘草、川芎、远志、茯苓 D. 酸枣仁、甘草、当归、远志、茯神 E. 酸枣仁、甘草、川芎、知母、茯苓 [单选题]您找到了恰好适合于您的SmartArt图形的布局,但这种布局的空间不足以输入您想好的所有文字.有什么好的解决方法吗
A.A:与计划的相比,少说一些 B.B:找一个形状可能最大的布局,并在形状里填满 文字 C.C:只将要点放在 SmartArt图形中,将其余的内 容留作注释 [多选题]通信业务考核主要考核( )。(中)(基础知识)
A.通信人员业务能力 B.指挥人员通信指挥水平 C.通信设备运行维护状况 D.通信任务完成情况 [单选题] 3.对集团公司的年度评级尽量采用( )。
A.财务报表 B.单独报表 C.联合报表 D.合并报表 [判断题]核型多角体病毒离开宿主就失活
[多选题]锂电池火灾应采用哪些灭火剂( )。
A.干粉 B.二氧化碳 C.泡沫 D.水 [判断题]在电缆隧道内工作时,通风设备应保持常开,以保证空气流通。在通风条件不良的电缆隧道内进行长距离巡视时,工作人员可以不携带便携式有害气体测试仪及自救呼吸器。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]配电《安规》4.3.1:架空配电线路和高压配电设备验电应有人监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]临床治疗阳虚证宜选用的方法是()
A. 以寒治寒 B. 阳病治阴 C. 阳中求阴 D. 阳病治阳 E. 阴病治阳 [多选题]一般来说,阳光和空气不是商品,但在一些国家.新鲜空气也可以装在特别容器中出售,空气之所以成为商品,根本原因是
A.人们不能随便从自然界中得到新鲜空气 B.能满足人们对新鲜空气的需要 C.把空气净化并装在特别容器中要经过人们的劳动 D.新鲜空气的生产以交换为目的 [单选题]在我国,急性胰腺炎的原因主要是( )
A.胆结石 B.过量饮酒 C.暴饮暴食 D.高脂血症 E.高钙血症 [多选题]3.137. 第137题
工程竣工决算管理应遵循()原则 A.统一管理 B.分级负责 C.全程管控 D.全面审批 [填空题]
The Library of Congress is America’s national library. It has millions of books and other objects. It has newspapers and popular publications, as well as letters of historical interest. It also has maps, photographs, art prints, movies, sound recordings, and musical instruments. All together, it has more than 100 million objects. The Library of Congress is open to the public Monday through Saturday except for public holidays. Anyone may go there and read anything in the collection. But no one is permitted to take books out of the building. The Library of Congress was established in 1800. It started with 11 boxes of books in one room of the Capitol Building. By 1814, the collection had increased to about 3,000 books. They were all destroyed that year, when the Capitol was burned down during America’s war with Britain. To help rebuild the library, Congress bought the books of president Thomas Jefferson. Mr. Jefferson’s collection included 7,000 books in seven lang [判断题]( )120 km/h<υmax≤160 km/h 正线混凝土枕地段,水平在作业验收时静态容许偏差管理值为4mm。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交