Motoring Technology 1.2 million road deaths worldwide occur each year, plus a further 50 million injuries. To reduce car crash rate, much research now is focused on safety and new fuels, though some electric vehicle and biofuel research aims at going faster. Traveling at speed has always been dangerous. One advanced area of research in motoring safety is the use of digital in-car assistants. They can ensure you don’t miss important road signs or fall asleep. Most crashes result from human and not mechanical faults. Some safety developments aim to improve your vision. Radar can spot obstacles in fog, while other technology "sees through" big vehicles blocking your view. And improvements to seat belts, pedal (脚踏)controls and A. Windscreens that can help drivers to improve their vision. B. Radars that can help drivers to see obstacles in fog. C. Devices that can help drivers to see through big vehicles. D. Improvements in seat belts, pedal controls and tires. [单选题]女,35岁。便血并排不尽感半个月就诊,既往有内痔病史,首选的检查方法是
A.粪便潜血实验 B.直肠指检 C.直肠镜检 D.结肠镜检 E.钡剂灌肠检查 [填空题]划分锚段长度的主要依据是在()发生变化时,使接触线内所产生的()不超过规定值。
[单选题]商业银行识别风险的最基本.最常用的方法是( )。
A.失误树分析方法 B.资产财务状况分析法 C.制作风险清单 D.情景分析法 [多项选择]监理项目部留存线路工程接地装置局部照片一张,反映()等要素
A. 数量 B. 埋深 C. 搭接长度 D. 焊接 E. 防腐 [多选题]直接融资包括( )。
A.企业发行股票 B.企业发行债券 C.国家发行国库券 D.国家发行公债券 E.商业信用 [多项选择]禁止使用起重机械起吊()的物体。
A. 地下埋设 B. 地下未固定 C. 凝固在地面上的重物 D. 其他不明重量 [判断题] 防爬器由1对梯形截面铝块组成,用2套紧固件连接,每套包括螺栓、碟形弹垫各2个,螺母、平垫各2个。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]遇动车组部分制动力切除时,司机应及时报告列车调度员,列车
调度员应向沿途各站车站值班员发布调度命令。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]露天临时堆放爆破器材,要求堆放场地要安全,并经所在地县(市)( )许可,并悬挂醒目标志。
A. 安监局 B.公安机关 C.化轻公司(民爆器材销售单位) [判断题]氮气管线和仪表风管线的吹扫方法是完全相同的。()
[单选题]职业病危害严重的建设项目的防护设施设计,应当经( )进行卫生审查,符合国家职业卫生标准和卫生要求的,方可施工。
A.职业卫生技术服务机构# B.卫生行政部门# C.疾病预防控制中心 [单项选择]Young people are increasingly becoming aware of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food, particularly processed food they eat is not good for health. (67) , there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do not contain chemical additives and (68) are not affected by chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today.
Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil rich (69) organic matter. In simple terms, this means the soil has been nourished by vegetable matter, which (70) it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a /an (71) process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose (72) is to increase the amount of foods (73) in commercial farming areas. Natural foods also included animals which have been allowed to (74) and move freely in healthy grassland. Compare A. common B. low C. prevalent D. rare [单项选择]在制作可摘局部义齿时,基托腭侧最厚处的内层产生圆形较大气泡的原因是
A. 热处理过快 B. 填塞不足 C. 填塞过早 D. 材料本身原因 E. 单体过多或单体调拌不匀 我来回答: 提交