Community cancer clusters are viewed
quite differently by citizen activists than by epidemiologists.
Environmentalists and concerned local residents, for instance, might immediately
suspect environmental radiation as the culprit when a high incidence of cancer
cases occurs near a nuclear facility. Epidemiologists, in contrast, would be
more likely to say that the incidences were "inconclusive" or the result of pure
chance. And when a breast cancer survivor, Lorraine Pace, mapped 20 breast
cancer cases occurring in her West Islip, Long Island, community, her
rudimentary research efforts were guided more by hope--that a specific
environmental agent could be correlated with the cancers than by scientific
method. When epidemiologists study clusters of cancer cases and other noncontagious conditions such as birth defects or miscarr A. methodological difficulties in analyzing community cancer clusters B. reluctance of epidemiologists to investigate environmental factors in cancer C. lack of credibility of citizen activists in claiming to have identified cancer agents D. effectiveness of regulations restricting the use of carcinogens in residential areas [多选题]以下说法正确的有( )。
A.航空器机务维修人员的背景调查由所属单位负责,材料报所在机场公安机关备案 B.空中交通管制人员的背景调查由所在地所属地区管理局公安局审核 C.航空器配餐人员的背景调查由所属单位负责,材料报所在机场公安机关备案 D.持中国民航空勤登机证的非空勤人员,其背景调查由所属单位负责 [判断题] ( )粗溶剂储槽温度高低不会影响后道工序。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]须经监理工程师审批的承包人的分包行为不包括( )。
A. 工程某一部分的分包 B. 按照技术规范的要求购买材料 C. 材料加工分包 D. 劳务分包 E. 设备的加工分包 [简答题]水泥在水化硬化过程中假凝、快凝有哪些现象?产生的原因是什么?
[单选题]旋转零件的重心不在旋转轴线上,当其旋转时只产生垂直旋转中心的离心力,此种现象称为( )。
A.静平衡 B.静不平衡 C.动平衡 D.动不平衡 [单选题]公务出差人员在接待单位用餐的,早、中、晚饭应当按照接待单位日伙食费标准的()_、40%、40%主动交纳伙食费;
A.0.1 B.0.2 C.0.3 D.0.4 [单项选择]物业管理的业务范围可划分为()。
A. 基本业务、专项业务、特色业务、多种经营业务 B. 基本业务、免费服务、特约业务、牟利业务 C. 免费服务、专项业务、牟利业务、特约业务 D. 免费服务、专项业务、牟利业务、多种经营业务 [判断题]便步用于队伍行进操练后恢复体力及其他场合
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 出现非人为的意外事故,必须先通知班组长和( ),并向队部汇报,再进行处理。
A.采煤机司机 B.安全员 C.副队长 D.值班室 [单选题]防化手套适用于消防员在处置( )事故现场作业时的手部和腕部防护。(容易)
A.火场灾害 B.辐射灾害 C.化学灾害 D.有毒灾害 [单选题]需要( )操作设备的配电带电作业工作票和需要办理工作许可手续的配电第二种工作票,应在工作前一天送达设备运维管理单位。
A.带电作业人员 B.运维人员 C.监控人员 D.值班调控人员 [判断题]某曲线,缓和曲线正矢递增率30mm,则曲线始点正矢为5mm。
A.A、项目经理 B.B、总工程师 C.C、生产经理 D.D、安全总监 [单选题]牌号为( )的变压器油可用于气温不低于-20℃的地区作为户外断路器、油浸电容式套管和互感器用油。
A.DB-10 B.DB-25 C.DB-45 [单选题]12岁男童,排尿时突然出现尿路中断,伴有疼痛,蹦跳后恢复排尿,疼痛缓解,请问可能是下面哪种情况( )
A.肾结石 B.膀胱结石 C.阑尾炎 D.睾丸扭转 E.尿路感染 [单选题]信息科学研究的主要内容是( )及其运动规律。
A.数据 B.人类 D.计算机 [填空题]石油沥青的塑性: 是指沥青在外力作用下产生变形而不破坏,除去外力后仍能保持变形后的形状不变的性质。
[单选题]A-D-A-005 4 2 3 8.8级接头螺栓的伸长率为( )。
A.8% B.12% C.9% D.15% [判断题]AC004 水的碱度滴定时,用0.2%的甲基橙作指示剂。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )铝热焊缝距轨枕边缘,线路允许速度大于160km/h线路不应小于40mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]重大经营活动包括客户违反反洗钱相关规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据JB4708-92《钢制压力容器焊接工艺评定》的规定,20R钢弯曲试验的弯曲角度当焊接工艺为双面焊时应为( )。
A.180° B.100° C.90° D.50° [多项选择]按产品用途分类,个人贷款产品包括( )。
A. 个人住房贷款 B. 个人消费贷款 C. 个人担保贷款 D. 个人经营类贷款 E. 个人抵押贷款 [多选题]下列有关临柜业务实物印章管理系统描述正确的是:______。
A.手工管理模式的临柜业务实物印章,须与配套使用的重要空白凭证实行“印证分管”。 B.机控管理模式下,用印审批岗及印控仪操作岗须平行交接。 C.临柜业务实物印章管理系统中业务管理员和系统管理员不得混岗。 D.印控仪备用钥匙应上交至支行或以上运营管理部门统一 封存管理。 [单项选择]
The Cherokee Nation Long before the white man came to America, the land belonged to the American Indian nations. The nation of the Cherokees lived in what is now the southeastern part of the United States. After the white man came, the Cherokees copied many of their ways. One Cherokee named Sequoyah saw how important reading and writing were to the white man. He decided to invent a way to write down the spoken Cherokee language. He began by making word pictures. For each word he drew a picture. But that proved impossible-there were just too many words. Then he took the 85 sounds that made up the language. Using his own imagination and an English spelling book, Sequoyah invented a sign for each sound. His alphabet proved amazingly easy to learn. Before long, many Cherokees knew how to read and write in their own language. By 1828, they were even printing their own newspaper. In 1830, the U.S. Congress passed a law. It allowed the A. in carts. B. on horseback. C. on foot. D. all of the above. [判断题]临时性信息网络,经销商客户经理负责开发服务维修网点、配件供应网点、运输公司等。
A.在此工作! B.禁止合闸,有人工作! C.止步,高压危险! D.禁止攀登 我来回答: 提交