"We thought there was a future in
nuclear power when no one else believed in it," says Anne Lauvergeon, chief
executive of Areva. The French, government-owned company is building the first
nuclear reactors to be constructed in Western Europe for nearly 20 years. With"
no oil, no gas, no coal and no choice", France decided to go nuclear in 1974,
and today about 80% of its electricity is generated by 59 nuclear plants across
the country. But even France became pessimistic about nuclear power: it stopped
building new reactors at the end of the 1980s and in 2002 a government report
called the industry a" monster without a future". How things have changed. Nuclear power is back in favor, thanks to fears about oil supplies, energy security and global warming. France is ready to develop its expertise into a significant export. A. British Energy was changed to a state-owned energy giant. B. British government will never compete with France in nuclear power. C. The company British government holds shares was purchased by French one. D. British Energy’s incorporation will have no negative effects. [判断题]由国家统计局和监察部联合制定的《统计违法违纪行为处分规定》属于统计行政规章。()
[单选题]防火卷帘应装配温控释放装置,当释放装置的感温元件周围温度达到( )℃±0、5时,释放装置动作,卷帘应依自重下降关闭。
A.68 B.73 C.86 D.93 E.28 [多选题]根据《中国农业发展银行农业农村基础设施固定资产贷款管理办法》,对借款人及其重要关联方在建设、生产、经营活动中可能给环境和社会带来的危害及相关风险,包括与()等有关的环境与社会问题进行分析与评价。
A.耗能 B.污染 C.土地 D.健康 E.生态保护和气候变化 F.安全 [多选题]()具有社会团体法人资格
A.中华全国总工会 B.地方总工会 C.产业工会 D项目工会 [填空题]Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened ________As was discussed before, it was not ______ the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre- electronic ______ , following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the________of the periodical. It was during the same time that the communications revolution________ up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading________ through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures________ the 20th-century world of the motor car and the airplane. Not everyone sees that process in________ It is important to do so.
It is generally recognized,________ , that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century,________by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process,________its impact on the media was not immediately________As time went
A. A.means B.method C. medium D.measure [单项选择]从“娱乐化应用”到“价值应用”,互联网为我们的日常生活提供着实实在在的服务:中学生的“网络课堂”,大学生求职的“网申”,农民土特产的“网络推销”,都市白领热衷的网上“淘宝”……互联网的价值应用正在走近每一个人;更有专家预言“数字化生存”的诱人前景。
对文意概括最准确的是( )
A. 互联网走进价值应用的新时代 B. 互联网给予人们生活上的便利 C. 互联网引导进入数字化生存 D. 互联网参与人们的日常生活 [多选题]根据《国家电网有限公司基建安全管理规定》,下列关于作业层班组长职责说法正确的是()。
A.组织作业层(班组)人员进行安全学习 B.负责作业层(班组)日常安全管理工作 C.组织作业层(班组)人员开展风险识别 D.审查施工分包队伍及人员进出场工作 [单项选择]已知X商品的价格为5元,Y商品的价格为2元,如果消费者从这两种商品的消费中得到最大效用时,商品Y的边际效用为30,那么此时X商品的边际效用为()
A. 60 B. 45 C. 150 D. 75 [单项选择]泡沫的视粘度随着剪切速率的增加而()。
A. 不变 B. 升高 C. 下降 D. 不变或升高 [单项选择]颌位关系的记录指的是()。
A. 正确恢复颌间距离 B. 正确恢复面下1/3距离 C. 正确恢复面下1/3距离和髁突的生理后位 D. 正确恢复面部的外形 E. 纠正侧向咬合和下颌前伸习惯 [单选题] 骨巨细胞瘤典型征象
A.多房性、偏心性骨质破坏; B.爆米花样钙化; C.大片死骨形成; D.背离关节生长; E.Codman三角; 我来回答: 提交