On March I, a reader’s letter published
in Lianhe Zaobao’s Forum page with the headline "Feedback from Readers Taken
Seriously" caught my eyes. The author cited a number of suggestions he made
which received{{U}} (67) {{/U}}responses from the authorities and quick
follow-up actions to back his observation. His own experiences{{U}} (68)
{{/U}}him to conclude that: "This is a good{{U}} (69) {{/U}}of the
democratic system at work in Singapore." Newspaper provides avenues for people
to air their views and these are taken seriously by the authority{{U}} (70)
{{/U}}act promptly to find solutions{{U}} (71) {{/U}}problems.
{{U}} (72) {{/U}}first glance, the letter appears only to affirm
the positive and effective communication between government departments and the
people.{{U}} (73) {{/U}}should not be overlooked, however, is that
underpin A. in B. to C. by D. with 热门试题:[判断题]艺术创作对每个人的最终意义,应该是去体验生命力释放的快乐。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]A strange thing happened to me last Sunday. It was (16) a beautiful day that I drove to go for a look in the country.
On the way back home, my car (17) . It was out of gas on a lonely road far from a town. I decided to walk (18) I found someone who could (19) some gas. I had walked almost a mile (20) I finally found a house near the road. I was glad to see it (21) it was getting dark. I knocked at the door and a little old lady (22) long white hair answered. She said, "I’ve been (23) for you for a long time. Come in. (24) is almost ready." "But I only come (25) some gas," I answered. I couldn’t imagine (26) she was talking about. "Oh, Alfred! Gas You used to like tea." I quickly explained that my car was out of gas, (27) she didn’t seem to hear me. She just (28) calling me Alfred and talking about how long (29) since she had seen me. A. on B. for C. by D. with [填空题]知识学习的三阶段中,应解决的主要心理问题分别是知识的()、保持和()。
[单项选择]单腿站立试验(Trendelenburg test)是用来检查
A. 半月板损伤 B. 先天性髋脱位 C. 脊柱侧凸 D. 脊柱结核,腰大肌寒性脓肿 E. 双下肢不等长 [单选题]规章制度是组织以一系列文件形式表达的、全体成员必须遵守的(____)的总称。
A. 工作标准 B. 管理条例 C. 行为准则 D. 管理标准 [多选题]全面建成小职社会,更重要、更难做到的是“全面”,“全面”讲的是( )
A.发展水平 B.发展的协调性 C.发展的可持续性 D.发展的平衡性 [多选题]起吊重物前,应由起重工作负责人( )后方可试行起吊。
A.检查悬吊情况 B.检查所吊物件的捆绑情况 C.确认可靠 D.确认周边无人 [单选题]对已确诊患有乳腺癌的1000名妇女和未患乳腺癌的1000名妇女,用一乳腺癌筛选的试验检查,发现前者有900名为阳性结果,后者有100名为阳性结果,该试验的假阳性率是
A.90% B.30% C.25% D.2% E.10% [单选题]气瓶存放处( )m内禁止明火,禁止与易燃物、易爆物同间存放。
A.A.2 B.B.6 C.C.8 D.D.10 [单选题]我国食品安全标准对谷物及其制品有限量规定的真菌毒素是()
A.黄曲霉毒素B1 B.脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇 C.赭曲霉毒素A D.以上都是 [简答题]详述冠心病患者膳食治疗原则。
[判断题]串联谐振会产生过电压,并联谐振会产生过电流。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不属于休闲活动训练和指导的是( )。
A.创造性休闲活动 B.文娱活动 C.游戏活动 D.体育活动 E.财务管理 [单选题]患者,男,51岁。素患糖尿病10年,未予系统治疗。近2年来病情加重,小便频数量多,混浊如脂膏,面色黧黑,腰膝酸软,形寒畏冷,阳痿不举,舌淡苔白,脉沉细无力。治疗应首选
A.金匮肾气丸 B.知柏地黄丸 C.六味地黄丸 D.消渴方 E.玉女煎 [简答题]接触网作业车作业平台防护门关闭时应有闭锁装置。作业中须锁闭好作业平台的防护门,作业完毕后及时放下<--NRC-->。
A.降低血中三酰甘油的药物 B.属于抗病毒感染药物 C.控制癫痫持续状态,首选静脉注射的药物 D.对癫痫精神运动性发作疗效最好的药物 E.第一个被美国FDA批准用于临床的他汀类药物 [判断题]轻质油品,如汽油.煤油等,燃烧热值低,速度快。(
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于印发《普速旅客列车车门管理规定》的通知(铁总运2015-191号),普速列车到站停稳后,列车员发现未正常停靠站台,应( )。
A.车门值守快上快下 B.严禁打开车门 C.立即报告列车长 D.并加强车门看护 [单选题]设2020年政府物价部门依据有关规定对
A、B两地间铁路货物运量下降3%,则该铁路运输需求的价格弹性系数为( )。
A.0.40 B.0.50 C.0.60 D.0.80 [判断题]危化品储罐灾害事故,根据储存介质的危害特性和灾情等级,做好等级防护,科学划分警戒区域,强化出入管控,不必扩大周边疏散和交通管制范围。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某输电线路装设瞬时电流速断保护,二次定值为15A 1s,电流互感器完全星形接线且变比为600/5,若AB两相短路时,一次短路电流为3000A,此时( )。
A.只有A.B相电流起动,所以保护不动作 B.短路电流远远大于动作电流,保护瞬时动作 C.短路电流大于动作电流,保护经1秒延时后动作 D.三相电流均起动,保护经1秒延时后动作 [多选题]主控箱主要包括两大部分:()和()组成。
A.A、隔爆兼本质安全型组合变频器(变频开关) B.B、液压站 C.C、控制器 [单项选择]糖尿病患儿每天脂肪供给的热能约占总热能的()
A. 20% B. 30% C. 40% D. 50% E. 60% [单项选择]根据《物权法》的规定,下列权利中,其客体可以是不动产、动产或权利的是( )。
A. 抵押权 B. 质权 C. 留置权 D. 所有权 [多选题]限界分为()几种。
A.车辆限界 B.设备限界 C.建筑限界 D.异物限界 E.电压限界 [单项选择]
We often hear the (21) "Bug" while using computers. But what is a bug In computer science, a bug (22) an error in software or hardware. In software, a bug is an error in coding or logic that causes a program to malfunction or to (23) incorrect results. Minor bugs, for example a cursor that does not behave as (24) can be inconvenient or frustrating, but not damaging to (25) . More severe bugs can cause a program to "hang" ( stop responding to (26) and might (27) the user with no (28) but to restart file program. ), losing whatever (29) work had not been saved. In (30) case, the programmer must find and correct the error by the (31) known as debugging. Because of the (32) risk to important data, commercial application programs are tested and (33) as completely as possible before release. Minor bugs found after the program becomes (34) are c [简答题]异步电动机空载实验的目的是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]代客期权业务的报价开放时间限于每个工作日的()。
A. 09:30-16:30 B. 09:00-16:30 C. 09:30-16:00 D. 09:00-16:00 [单项选择]咨询师应该向求助者说明,咨询是否成功在很大程度上取决于()
A. 求助者是否有主动参与的态度和行为 B. 求助者是否了解一定数量的咨询疏于 C. 咨询师是否能够主动与求助者建立起来咨询以外的关系 D. 咨询师是否能防止求助者出现建立咨询以外关系的念头 [多选题]以下( )属于变压器智能终端的跳闸方式。
A.遥控跳闸 B.非电量重动跳闸 C.非电量延时跳闸 D.手控跳闸 [填空题]96.道岔除()时外,均须保持定位。A使用;B清扫;C检查;D修理
[单选题]工作组员:由( )、安全考试合格者担任。
A.规章 B.技术 [填空题] Dogs were first domesticated from wolves at least 17,000 years ago, but perhaps as early as 150,000 years ago based upon recent genetic fossil and DNA (36)________. In this time, the dog has developed into hundreds of breeds with a great degree of (37)________. For example, heights at the shoulder range from just a few inches to roughly three feet, and colors range from white to black, with reds, grays, and browns (38) _______in tremendous (39)________.
Dogs are highly social animals and this (40)________in their overall behavioral system (41)_______ for their trainability, playfulness, and ability to fit into human (42)________and social situations. This has earned dogs a (43) ________position in the realm of interspecies relationships. (44)________________________ are thought to be reflections of the human idea of love and friendship, leading many dog owners to view their pets as full fledged family members. Dogs seem to view their human companions as members of their pack
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