Chris Baildon, tall and lean, was in
his early thirties, and the end product of an old decayed island
family. Chris shared the too large house with his father, an arthritic and difficult man, and a wasp-tongued aunt, whose complaints ended only when she slept. The father and his sister, Chris’s Aunt Agatha, engaged in shrill-voiced arguments over nothing. The continuous exchanges further confused their foolish wits, and yet held off an unendurable loneliness. They held a common grievance against Chris, openly holding him to blame for their miserable existence. He should long ago have lifted them from poverty, for had they not sacrificed everything to send him to England and Oxford University Driven by creditors or pressing desires, earlier Baildons had long ago cheaply disposed of valuable properties. Brother A. Suspicious. B. Humorous. C. Persuasive. D. Indifferent. [多选题]列车按运输性质分类:旅客列车、( )、( )、( )、( )。
A.货物列车 B.路用列车 C.特快货物班列 D.军用列车 [单选题]Q/GDW11337—2014《输变电工程工程量清单计价规范》规定,发承包人应在合同中约定机械台班单价变动或机械使用费系数调整的范围或幅度,如没有约定,机械台班单价或机械使用费系数的变化超过基准日信息价( )时,超过部分给予调整。
A.A、3% B.B、5% C.C、10% D.D、15% [填空题]辅助齿轮箱轴承热装时加热温度应不高于( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]血清镁浓度达到多少mmol/L时需要紧急处理( )
A. 5.0mmol/L B. 4.5mmol/L C. 4.0mmol/L D. 3.5mmol/L E. 3.0mmol/L [单项选择]