In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the best answer and writedown on the answer sheet.
Microwave communication uses high-frequency (26) waves that travel in straightlines through the air. Because the waves cannot (27) with the curvature of the earth, they can be (28) only over short distance. Thus, microwave is a good (29) for sendingdata between buildings in a city or on a large college campus. For longer distances, the wavesmust be relayed by means of "dishes" or (30) . These can be installed on towers, highbuildings, and mountain tops.
Street food is food that is prepared,
sold and eaten on city streets. Street food is an important part of the{{U}}
(1) {{/U}}of people in developing countries. An{{U}} (2)
{{/U}}2,500 million people worldwide eat street food. This kind of food
is{{U}} (3) {{/U}}in cost, tasty, nutritious and easy to serve, it is
designed for the lives of busy people in large cities. But buyers must be careful{{U}} (4) {{/U}}health risks. Street food sellers in developing countries often{{U}} (5) {{/U}}the storage, cooking and cooling equipment necessary to{{U}} (6) {{/U}}the formation of dangerous bacteria. {{U}} (7) {{/U}}some conditions, a single bacterium can grow into seventeen-million disease-carrying organisms in just eight hours. The lack of clean{{U}} (8) {{/U}}water and waste removal systems also{{U}} (9) {{/U}}the risk of infectio A. how B. what C. when D. why [判断题]国产柴油以柴油凝点的温度来命名牌号,根据气候选用相应牌号的柴油。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]评审中,然后导、地线型式被否决,一次性扣()分
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [单选题]哪个不是华为传输网的2M板( )。
A.PL1 B.SD1 C.PD1 D.PQ1 [单选题]离心泵正常运行时,轴承箱内润滑油面在油表的( )之间。
A.1/3~1/2 B.1/3~2/3 C.1/2~2/3 D.2/3~3/4 [单项选择]在汽车电子技术中CCS指()。
A. 电子驱动系统 B. 电动式动力转向系统 C. 电子差速锁 D. 自动巡航系统 [填空题]MRI子宫在横断面上呈____________,在矢状面上呈___________,在冠状面上呈_____________。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]高铁反恐怖防范目标主要包括( )及附属设施设备等。
A.旅客列车 B.车站 C.线路 [单选题]根据《国家发展改革委关于创新和完善促进绿色发展价格机制的意见)) (发改价格规(2018) 943 号)、江苏省委、省政府关于价格改革的系列意见以及《省物价局省环保厅关于根据环保信用评价等级试行差别电价有关问 题的通知)) (苏价工(2015 )335 号)要求,依据环保厅《关于推送全省2016 年度环保信用等级为红色和黑色企业 名单的函)) ,经省、市各级环保部门审核公布,现研究决定对全省2016年度环保信用评价结果等级分别定为黑 色的企业当年生产全部用电量执行差别电价,其用电价格分别在现行目录销售电价(或市场交易电价)基础上每 千瓦时加价() 元。
A.0.05 B.0.1 C.0.15 D.0.2 [多选题]下列可引起母畜妊娠期延长的因素有哪些( )。
A.强烈刺激 B.重度饥饿 C.VA不足 D.注射孕酮 [填空题]医院中常见的物理性损伤主要包括( )损伤、 ( )损伤、 ( )损伤和( ) 损伤等。
A.√3倍 B.1倍 C.3倍 D.√3/3倍 [单选题]特高压直流换流站(油浸式变压器)发生火灾事故,在未完全断电的情况下,人员和车辆装备距离高压设备、线路安全距离必须大于( )m
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单选题]单选题:动车类施工车站设置撤除红闪灯流程为( )后请点站值班员(行车)通知设置红闪灯车站值班员(行车)设置红闪灯。
A.施工登记 B.施工请点 C.施工人员进站 D.运营结束 我来回答: 提交