检查前1天中午需准备() 马克思主义哲学同旧哲学的区别是()
Movies are the most popular form of
entertainment for millions of Americans. They go to the movies to escape their
normal everyday existence and to experience a life more exciting than their own.
They may choose to see a particular film because they like the actors or because
they have heard the film has a good story. But the main reason why people go to
the movies is to escape. Sitting in a dark theater, watching the images on the
screen, they enter another world that is real to them. They become involved in
the lives of the characters in the movie, and for two hours, they forget all
about their own problems. They are in a dream world where things often appear to
be more romantic (浪漫的) and beautiful than in real life. The biggest "dream factories" are in Hollywood, the capital of the film industry. Each year, Hollywood s A. to enjoy a good story B. to experience an exciting life C. to see the actors and actresses D. to escape their daily life [简答题]Part 2&3something you did recently that made you relaxed
Part3 Are there any differences among different people on the way to relax How do other people relax What is the importance of relaxation to us What are the differences between now and in the past in relaxation Do you think the leisure time for people will get shorter or longer in the future What do you think about the fact that some people ignore to relax due to their jobs
[填空题]His friends sit in the expensive seats.
[单选题]乙炔瓶使用过程中,有回火、烧灼或表面漆色发黑的痕迹的,应( )。
A.报废 B.继续使用 C.提前进行检验 D.重新做漆 [单选题]《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》第九条:事故发生后,事故现场有关人员应当立即向本单位负责人报告;单位负责人接到报告后,应当于( )向事故发生地县级以上人民政府安全生产监督管理部门和负有安全生产监督管理职责的有关部门报告 。
A.0.5小时内 B.1小时内 C.2小时内 D.3小时内 [填空题]通过手信号昼间为展开的绿色信号旗上下摇动,夜间为绿色灯光上下摇动。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]新生儿败血症给予抗菌疗法,错误的是( )
A.开始用药宜选静脉途径 B.病原不明时针对革兰阳性和阴性菌联合用药 C.一般疗程7~14天 D.新生儿出生7天前和7天后用药剂量不同 E.药敏结果示所选药物属不敏感者,虽临床疗效好也应换药 [单项选择]
患者,男性,70岁。持续性胸骨后压榨样疼痛8小时,血压80/50mmHg,窦性心律,45次/分,心电图示Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF、V3R~V5R病理性Q波,以下处置不合理的是() A. 大量补液 B. 硝酸甘油静脉滴注 C. 阿托品0.5mg肌内注射 D. 哌替啶(度冷丁)镇痛 E. 急诊PTCA [单选题]()相以上绝缘击穿的开关柜,应检查保护动作、开关跳闸情况,隔离故障点后优先恢复正常设备供电。
A.一 B.两 C.三 D.四 [单选题]关于老年人用药原则的描述,正确的是( )。
A. 老年人患病种类较多,选用药物的种类不需控制 B. 60岁以上老年人可以服用和成年人相同的剂量 C. 不同药物剂型中,缓释剂比较适宜于老年人 D. 在医生指导下,合理使用保健药物 E. 有相同作用的药物可以合用,以增强疗效 [多项选择]工伤保险待遇主要分几个部分以下______。
A. 医疗待遇 B. 疾病待遇 C. 伤残待遇 D. 死亡待遇 [多选题]集贸市场严禁在( )等部位设置摊位、堆放货物。
A.楼梯间 B.疏散通道上 C.安全出口处 D.火灾报警探测器下方 [单选题]韶山8型电力机车轮对自由横动量是( )。
A.0.75mm B.1.5mm C.1mm D.2mm [多选题]沉砂卡钻的现象( )。
A.钻具上提遇卡 B.钻具下放遇阻 C.钻具不能转动 D.泵压升高,甚至蹩泵,循环困难 [判断题]《价规》规定:“超过”、“大于”、“不满”、“小于”、“不足”、“不够”—均包括本数。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交