There are great careers in which the
increasing emphasis is on specialization. You find these careers in engineering,
in production, in statistical work, and in teaching. But there is an increasing
demand for people who are able to take in a great area at a glance, people who
perhaps know too much about any one field. There is, in other words, a demand
for people who are capable of seeing the forest rather than the trees, of making
general judgments. And these "generalists" are particularly needed for positions
in administration, where it is their job to see that other people do the work,
where they have to plan for other people, to organize other people’s work, to
begin it and judge it. The specialist understands one field; his concern is with technique and tools. He is a "trained" man; and his educational background is properly technical or professiona A. a "trained" man who is more a specialist than a generalist B. a man who sees the trees as well as the forest C. a man who is very strong in the humanities D. a man who is an "educated" specialist [判断题]病毒传播不但能在单个计算机范围内进行,而且能够在计算机网络中运行。( )
[单选题]目视比色法中常用的标准系列法是比较( )。."
A.入射光的强度 B.透过溶液后光的强度 C.透过溶液后吸收光的强度 D.一定厚度溶液颜色的深浅 [单选题]男,40岁,因塌方,右腰部被砸伤,伤后出现大量肉眼血尿,右肾区明显肿胀,压痛,皮下可见淤血斑,脉搏120次/min,BP80/50mmHg。印象诊断是
A.挫伤 B.实质损伤 C.实质与肾盂肾盏破裂 D.全层裂伤 E.肾蒂断裂 [判断题]国家鼓励和支持安全生产科学技术研究和安全生产先进技术的推广应用,提高安全生产水平。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 具备必要的电气知识和业务技能,熟悉电气设备及其系统,且按其岗位和工作性质,熟悉本规程的有关部分后,即可持证上岗。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]拆除电能表进、出线的顺序(____)。
A.先电压线、后电流线 B.先进线、后出线 C.先相线后在性线 D.从左到右 [单项选择]皮肤接触腐蚀性毒物,需清除皮肤上的毒物并用适当的中和液或解毒液冲洗,冲洗时间要求达到( )。
A. 5分钟 B. 10~15分钟 C. 15~20分钟 D. 15~30分钟 E. 30~40分钟 [单项选择]关于急性胰腺炎的治疗哪项说法正确( )
A. 非手术治疗限于症状轻的水肿性胰腺炎 B. 未手术的病人不需要禁食和胃肠减压 C. 伴有胆总管梗阻的重症病人,应早期手术或内镜括约肌切开取石 D. 无胰周感染的病人不用抗生素 E. 重症(出血坏死性)病人一经确诊,应立即手术治疗 [多选题]机车用蓄电池组不采用( )方式。
A.串联 B.并联 C.混联 D.串联或并联 [判断题]捏造事实诬告陷害他人,意图使他人受刑事追究,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制;造成严重后果的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交