19.9 A. 采矿业 B. 批发和零售业 C. 房地产 D. 教育
[判断题]并联电路中各支路上的电流不一定相等( ) A.正确 B.错误
[判断题] 关于正线短时间进行抢修的规定,如运营时间搭乘列车到区间或区间泵房抢修,抢修人员只能在区间泵房内作业,严禁侵入限界。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]离心泵吸入管路尽可能短而直,以减少阻力损失。吸入管径应小于泵吸入口的直径。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. He works very hard for his last company. B. He was in contact with computers every night. C. He has much experience in the networks. D. He has been fired by his last company.
[单项选择]违规接受礼品礼金和服务属于()违纪行为。 A. 违反政治纪律 B. 违反组织纪律 C. 违反廉洁纪律 D. 违反工作纪律
[单选题]列入长期不动户的存款不结计利息,待日后客户办理销户或激活时按当日挂牌公告的(),一次性计付利息 A.活期存款利率 B.通知存款利率 C.定期存款利率 D.协议存款利率
[判断题]曲线整正时曲线上任意点的拨动,对相邻点正矢的影响量为拨动点拨动量1/2,其方向相反。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]桡侧腕屈肌 ( ) A.位于旋前圆肌的外侧 B.其长腱穿经腕管 C.止于大多角骨和手舟骨 D.可屈肘、屈腕和使桡腕关节外展 E.受桡神经支配
[单选题]钢平台开机( )台或噪声达到88分贝及以上必须佩戴耳塞 A.8 B.10 C.12
[判断题][T]ABI037433 含尘气体含雾气体均属于气态非均相物系。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]三相一次或二次重合闸属于110kV及以下线路保护测控装置在测控方面的主要功能。() A. 正确 B. 错误
[单选题]DS6-60型计算机联锁系统控显机界面上当联锁系工作状态为从系时显示为()灯。 A.蓝色 B.绿色 C.黄色 D.红色
[单选题]伤寒患者发病第一周内,分离病原菌应采取的标本是 A.呕吐物 B.粪便 C.血液 D.脑脊液 E.尿液
[单项选择]砌筑挡土墙、护墙,不得重叠作业。大型压实机械与墙背的距离不应小于()。 A. 0.5m B. 0.8m C. 1m D. 1.2m
[多项选择]对树木进行土壤施肥时,为了便于根系吸收,施用位置应在() A. 树冠投影外缘附近 B. 树冠投影离根颈1/3处 C. 离地表40-60cm的土层内 D. 根系垂直分布的密集层内
[单项选择]某历史学家说:“对于西方的挑战,中国的反应之所以迟钝,是由于中国社会在19世纪中叶面临很不平常的历史坏境。内部事务万分火急,至于对西方则可以暂缓一步。”这里所讲的“西方的挑战”最主要是指() A. 走私鸦片,毒害国人 B. 发动战争,瓜分中国 C. 资本输出,垄断经济 D. 提出“修约”,扩大市场
Rising Tuition in the US Every spring,US university administrators gather to discuss the next academic year's budget. They consider faculty salaries,utility costs for dormitories,new building needs and repairs to old ones .They run the numbers and conclude-it seems,inevitably-that,yet again,the cost of tuition must go up. According to the US's College Board,the price of attending a four-year private university in the US rose 81 percent between 1993 and 2004.______(46)In 2005 and 2006,the numbers continued to rise. According to university officials,college cost increases are simply the result of balancing uni-versity checkbooks.“Tuition increases at Cedarville University are determined by our revenue needs for each year.”said the university's president,Dr. Bill Brown.“Student tuition pays for 78 percent of the university's operating costs.”Brown's school is a private university that enrolls about 3,100 undergrads and is consistently recognized by annual college ranking guides like US News and World Report's and The Princeton Review's.______(47) Tuition at private universities is set by administration officials and then sent for approval to the school's board of trustees (董事).______( 48 ) This board oversees(监管)all of a state's public institutions. John Durham,assistant secretary to the board of trustees at East Carolina University(ECU), explains that state law says that public institutions must make their services available whenever possible to the people of the state for free.Durham said that North Carolina residents only pay 22 percent of the cost of their education.______(49)State residents attending ECU pay about US $10,000 for tuition,room and board before financial aid. Amid the news about continued increases in college costs,however,there is some good news. Tuition increases have been accompanied by roughly equal increases in financial aid at almost ev-ery university.To receive financial aid,US students complete a formal application with the federal government. The federal government then decides whether an applicant is eligible(有资格的)for grants or loans______(50)
A.The application is then sent to the student's university,where the school itself will decide whether free money will be given to the student and how much.
B.At public universities,however,tuition increases must also be approved by a state edu-cation committee,sometimes called the board of governors.
C.The school currently charges US$23,410 a year for tuition.
D.Many American people are simply unable to pay the growing cost of food.
E.That's more than double the rate of inflation.
F.The state government covers the rest.
[单选题] SF6配电装置发生防爆膜破裂时,应停电处理,并用( )擦拭干净。 A.汽油或丙酮 B.煤油或丙酮 C.汽油或酒精 D.汽油或香蕉水
[多选题]施工单位必须明确专人对施工现场进行每日的防火巡查,并确定巡查的( )和 频次。 A.人员 B.条件 C.内容 D.部位
[判断题]安全帽子里可以佩戴其他帽子。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者发生呼吸性酸中毒时机体最主要的代偿方式是 A. 体液缓冲 B.肺代偿 C.细胞内外离子交换 D.肾脏代偿 E.骨骼代偿
[单项选择]《水龙吟》“休说鲈鱼堪鲙,尽西风、季鹰归未,“季鹰”生活的时代是()。 A. 西晋 B. 东晋 C. 三国 D. 刘宋
[单选题]备用电源断路器的合闸脉冲是短脉冲,因此(____)。 A. 只允许自动投入装置动作两次 B. 只允许自动投入装置动作一次 C. 只允许自动投入装置动作三次 D. 不限制次数
[单项选择]患者,男,28岁,左下8近中倾斜阻生,左下7远中颈部可疑龋坏。左下8现拟拔除出现上述症状后,最应采取的治疗是() A. 清创拔牙窝后填塞碘仿纱条 B. 应用抗生素 C. 局部理疗 D. 探查拔牙窝内有无残留牙根或骨的碎片 E. 以上都不是
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