1 GAZA CITY (CNN Thursday, May 13, 2004 Posted: 8:35
AM EDT (1235 GMT))-Two Israeli helicopter attacks Thursday in Gaza’s Rafah
refugee camp have killed 10 people, according to Palestinian security and
medical sources. 2 The strikes followed Palestinian attacks on Israeli soldiers Tuesday and Wednesday that have claimed 11 soldiers’ lives. This week, violence in Gaza has claimed the lives at least 33 Palestinians as well as the 11 soldiers. 3 The fighting comes as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon works on revising his plan to withdraw military personnel and Jewish settlements from Gaza and parts of the West Bank. 4 Israel Defense Forces began the Gaza operation Monday night, saying the mission was aimed at destroying workshops used by Palestinian terrorists to construct Qassam rockets. 5 Israeli helicopters first attack A. Because he is backed by U.S. President Bush. B. Because Sharon claims that Palestinian fundamentalist groups have always conducted attacks on Israeli civilian and military targets and the diplomatic process doesn’t have any progress. C. Because Sharon claims that the Palestinian Authority had failed to control or stop the attacks on Israelis. D. Because Sharon claims that the Palestinian Authority had failed to control or stop the attacks on Israelis and the diplomatic means doesn’t work effectively. [判断题]进入停有列车或车列的线路内进行撤设防溜、摘结软管、吊起软管、摘挂列尾等作业(调车作业除外)时进入线路内作业前应联系行车室:“行车室,×道××(作业),请求防护”。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]
128/316.以下哪些炸药是常见的铵油类炸药?( ) A. 粉状铵油炸药 B. 多孔粒状铵油炸药 C. 乳化炸药 D. 改性铵油炸药 [多选题]某连续梁桥需进行荷载试验,主要工况有( )。
A.主跨支点位置最大负弯矩工况 B.主跨跨中截面最大正弯矩工况 C.边跨主梁最大正弯矩工况 D.主跨(中)支点附近主梁最大剪力工况 [单选题]安全生产风险管理体系,针对电网企业风险,设计了( )大管理模块。
A.7 B.8 C.9 D.10 [判断题]发行金融债券时,发行人应组建承销团,承销人不可在发行期内向其他投资者分销其所承销的金融债券。( )
A.眩晕欲仆 B.角弓反张 C.口眼image.png斜 D.高热神昏 [简答题]灯泡主灯丝和副灯丝呈直线且平行,( )在下,( )在上。
A. 使量爪略大于被测工件尺寸 B. 使量爪略小于被测工件尺寸 C. 使量爪等于被测工件尺寸 D. 使量爪大于或者小于被测工件尺寸 [判断题]人民警察使用警械和武器的唯一目的就是制止违法犯罪行为的发生。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]运行速度为350km/h的隧道二次衬砌仰拱厚度不应小于()cm。
A.35 B.40 C.45 D.50 [多项选择]根据大多数国家标准,现金流量分为( )。
A. 经营活动的现金流量 B. 投资活动的现金流量 C. 融资活动的现金流量 D. 休闲活动的现金流量 E. 投机活动的现金流量 [判断题]企业全部应交税金一律通过“应交税费”科目核算。( )
A.300 B.400 C.36 D.24 [多项选择]下列关于脚手架的说法正确的是( )。
A. 脚手架应根据施工荷载经设计确定,施工常规负荷量不得超过3.0kPa B. 脚手架钢管外径应为48~51mm,壁厚3~3.5mm C. 脚手架钢管立杆、大横杆的接头应错开,搭接长度不小于30cm D. 脚手架底脚扫地杆、水平横杆离地面距离为20~30cm E. 架子高度在7m以上或无法设支杆时,竖向每隔4m,水平每隔7m,应使脚手架牢固地连接在建筑物上 [多选题].锅炉热态启动的操作有( )
A.检查给水系统正常(一台给水泵投运),炉水水质合格 B.启动初期给水调节用旁路方式 C.检查所有锅炉保护在投入状态 D.检查回转式空气预热器运转正常 [简答题]《亚细亚的孤儿》是描写沦为“日本殖民奴隶”的台湾同胞悲惨命运的一部充满讽刺激情的长篇小说,请问作者是谁?
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