Some people think they have an answer
{{U}} (36) {{/U}}the problem of automobile crowding and pollution
in large cities. Their {{U}} (37) {{/U}} is the bicycle, or bike.
In a great {{U}} (38) {{/U}} dries, hundreds of people ride bicycles to
work every day. In New York city, some bike {{U}} (39) {{/U}} have even
formed a group {{U}} (40) {{/U}} "Bike for a Better City". They claim
(声称)that if {{U}} (41) {{/U}} people rode bicycles to work, there
{{U}} (42) {{/U}} be {{U}} (43) {{/U}} automobiles in the downtown
section of the city and {{U}} (44) {{/U}} less dirty air from car
{{U}} (45) {{/U}}. For several years this {{U}} (46) {{/U}} has been trying to get the city government to{{U}} (47) {{/U}} bicycle riders. For 48 ,they want the city to paint special lanes(车道) for bicyc A. once B. that C. good D. example [判断题]《国家电网公司业务外包安全监督管理办法》规定:建设工程施工类外包的承包合同,应明确承包单位需自行完成的主体工程或关键性工作,禁止承包单位将主体工程或关键性工作分包。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]瓦斯涌入量的大小与邻近煤层的( )因素有关。
A.层数 B.层间距 C.煤厚 D.采高 E.容重 [简答题]运用强化评价法对幼儿进行社会性教育过程中,教师运用评价手段时一般应注意什么问题?
A. 是银行向借款人发放的中长期贷款 B. 目前只限于人民币贷款 C. 用于固定资产项目的建设、购置、改造及其相应配套设施建设 D. 用于固定资产项目相应配套设施建设 [单项选择]患儿,4岁。昨日外出游玩,今日即发现舌边尖溃烂,色赤疼痛,饮食困难,心烦不安,口干欲饮,小便短赤,舌尖红,苔薄黄。其治法是( )
A. 疏风清热,泻火解毒 B. 滋阴降火,引火归原 C. 清心泻火 D. 清热解毒 E. 消食导滞 [单项选择]某患者因有机磷中毒入院治疗,在治疗过程中出现阿托品中毒,应立即给予
A. 吸氧 B. 输液及毛果芸香碱 C. 利他林 D. 毛花苷C(西地兰) E. 呋塞米 [单项选择]以下哪一项是脾脏血管瘤的主要表现
A. 类圆形的低回声 B. 脾实质内三角形低回声 C. 外周减低的混合回声 D. 边界清锐的强回声 E. CDFI示有丰富的动脉血流 [单项选择]长发套造型有披肩长发、波浪型长发、()等。
A. 中长发 B. 盘发 C. 短发 D. 直发 我来回答: 提交