Divorce is the act by which a valid marriage is dissolved, usually freeing the parties to remarry. In regions in (1) ancient (2) authority still predominates, divorce may be (3) and rare, especially when, as among Roman Catholics and Hindus, the religious (4) views marriage (5) indissoluble. Custom, (6) , may make divorce a simple matter in (7) societies. (8) some Pueblo Indian tribes a woman could divorce her husband (9) leaving his moccasins on the doorstep. The (10) of individual determination and mutual (11) are making divorce (12) acceptable in the (13) parts of the world.
Among premodern societies, the rate of marital stability is difficult to (14) (15) the varying definitions of (16) and divorce. It seems to be broadly true (17) wherever divorce is a legal impossibility the wedding is a well-defined event conducted
A. principles
B. principals
C. princes
D. privacies
在探测时,他们试图寻找从极狭窄区域中释放出的强大电波。每次探测的时间约需 200~400天,所以获得的观察资料十分庞大。经过筛选,才获得了这37个讯号,其中有5个讯号特别强烈。这些讯号大多数是沿着银河系分布的,在银河系内有着大量的恒星,是智慧生命可能存在的地方。然而,至今还未发现具有已接收讯号特征的电波源,且在这些电波的方向上,也没有特异的星体存在。这37个讯号果真是由外星人发出的吗