M: What is your expected salary
F: Since this will be my first job, as for salary, I would leave it to you.
M: Would you accept a starting salary at $1 200
F: I think it is reasonable. I will accept it.
M: Besides, you’ll also enjoy life insurance and one-week paid holidays every year.
F: Mm, that sounds nice. Thank you very much.
With stripes of blue ink snaking across
his face and neck and then disappearing under the collar of his shirt before
bursting into the open from under the cuffs, he is a poster boy for his
profession. Skitch, the only name he wants the public to know, exhibits pride and confidence in his designer skin. Comfortably perched atop a stool in Graffixx Tattoo, a parlor just two blocks from the White House, he talks about his obsession with" body art", which, in his view, is winning the souls of the New Age generation as well as overall public acceptance. "It’s definitely more popular than when I started out about 10 years ago," he said as a flash of sunshine danced on a big pin piercing the skin between his eyes. "People who wouldn’t even think about having a tattoo then have them. There are no official statistics beating Skitch out. Bu A. Body art gains popularity. B. The history of body arts. C. Why body art is more popular than before. D. The art life of Skitch. [单选题] 下列子弹发射速度最快的手枪是( )。[1分]
A.77式手枪 B.92式手枪 C.54式手枪 D.64式手枪 [多项选择]工会对生产经营单位安全生产工作的监督体现在()。
A. 发现危及从业人员生命安全的情况时,有权向生产经营单位建议组织从业人员撤离危险场所,生产经营单位必须立即做出处理 B. 对生产经营单位违反安全生产法律、法规,侵犯从业人员合法权益的行为,有权要求纠正 C. 审查批准生产经营单位涉及安全生产的经营决策 D. 发现生产经营单位违章指挥、强令冒险作业或者发现事故隐患时,有权提出解决的建议 [多选题]灭火战斗中开展火场排烟工作的目的在于()。
A.简化救生工作 B.有利于灭火行动 C.降低财产损失 D.便于战斗展开 [简答题]社会保障基金的筹资原则。
[简答题](Line 4, Para. 3, Passage 1)
We need to know why all watersheds (水滨) need the protection of plant life and why the running current of streams and rivers must be made to yield their full benefit to the soil before they finally escape to the sea. [单项选择]暂扣或者吊销执照属于( )。
A. 追究民事责任 B. 行政处分 C. 行政处罚 D. 刑事制裁 [单选题]160km/h以上运行区段,锚段长度在800m及以上的接触线接头的数量限界值不得超过( )。
A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个 [单项选择]Which of the following is true about the information superhighway
A. It will get rid of the need to shop at stores. B. It is possible to go shopping for shirts in Hong Kong via the information superhighway. C. It can perform the surgical operation. D. It will do most of things you normally do now. [单选题]钳形电流表是由( )和带整流装置的磁电系表头组成的。
A.分流电阻器 B.电压互感器 C.电流互感器 D.变压器 [判断题]开放兼容是浙江经济发展的动力。
[单选题]1996版和 2004 版 50 美元纸币安全线在紫外光下发( )光
A.黄 B.粉红 C.粉红和绿 D.红和黄 [单选题]客车转向架构架扭曲变形超限最易造成车辆在运行中( )。
A.脱轨 B.倾覆 C.燃轴 D.切轴 [判断题]( )柴油机组超速和飞车是同一概念
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]神州行客户亲情号码设置有哪些限制?
A.干粉 B.泡沫 C.二氧化碳 D.干沙土 [简答题]安拉是唯一的吗?
以下关于预调度的描述,错误的是哪一项 A. 预调度只用于上行调度 B. 该算法用于降低初始调度时延 C.采用基本预调度时,无论UE是否有业务请求,只要调度资源有剩余,基站就会持续进行调度 D.预调度功能也需要终端侧的支持 [填空题]People of the United States.
A.使用年限到期 B.磨损、损坏 C.按照规定不得使用 D.技术更新 E.工程拆除 F.严重污染环境 [单选题]如果同时使用转弯手轮和方向舵脚蹬,则:
A.手轮超控脚蹬 B.脚蹬超控手轮 C.在转弯角度小于7度时,脚蹬超控手轮 D.起飞滑跑速度大于60KT时,脚蹬超控手轮 我来回答: 提交