We still do not know all of the reasons why babies are born sick or with major disabilities. But we do know (31) . One baby, maybe more, (32) of one hundred is born with a serious genetic problem. Gene therapy (33) a very real possibility of correcting many of these disorders. It could transform — indeed, it already has — lives that are doomed (34) the pain and anguish of chronic illness. But scientific advances can also generate misunderstanding and fear. The Salk polio vaccine, so closely identified (35) the March of Dimes, was one of the most important medical gains of our time. It was safe. It worked. But (36) earlier vaccine used "live" viruses that caused fatalities, researchers (37) to overcome public apprehension.
Some critics are concerned that gene therapy will be abused create "super" humans. (38) are disturbed about possible disclosures of personally sensitiv
{{B}}Pollution: A Life and Death Issue{{/B}} One of the main themes of Planet under Pressure is the way many of the Earth’s environmental crises reinforce one another. Pollution is an obvious example—we do not have the option of growing food, or finding enough water, on a squeaky- clean planet, but on one increasingly tarnished and trashed by the way we have used it so far. Cutting waste and clearing up pollution cost money. Yet time and again it is the quest for wealth that generates much of the mess in the first place. Living in a way that is less damaging to the Earth is not easy, but it is vital, because pollution is pervasive and often life-threatening. Air: the World Health Organization (WHO) says three million people are killed worldwide by outdoor air pollution annually from vehicles and industrial emiss A. Polar bears. B. People. C. Mammals. D. Birds. [多选题]农村金融机构应建立科学合理的农户贷款定期考核制度,主要考核指标包括不限于( )。
A.农户贷款户数 B.农户贷款占比 C.农户贷款不良率 D.利息回收率 E.到期本金回收率 [单选题]全程复用是指对列车运行区间中的( )进行多次复用。
A.全部区段 B.指定区段 C.任意区段 D.剩余区段 [单选题]风扇的功用是增大流经散热器芯部空气的流速,提高散热器的散热能为,常用的是( )风扇。
A. 径流式 B. 轴流式 C. 离心式 D. 涡流式 [多项选择]国家住建部绿色建筑设计提出的“四节一环保”原则是指()。
A. 节地 B. 节能 C. 节水 D. 节材 E. 保护环境 [多选题]前端发射设备将摄像机输出的模拟视频信号进行()功率放大等处理,将射频信号通过天线发射出去。
A.视频压缩编码 B.数字调制 C.信道编码 D.上变频 [单选题](52160)电缆线路径路,每( )检查一次。(2.0分)
A.月 B.季 C.半年 D.一年 [单项选择]早期诊断婴儿苯丙酮尿症时,血清苯丙氨酸的浓度达到以下哪个数值及以上
A. 0.06mmol/L B. 0.08mmol/L C. 0.18nanol/L D. 0.24mmol/L E. 0.36mmol/L [判断题]煤岩、半煤岩和有瓦斯涌出的岩巷的掘进通风方法应采用压入式,不得采用抽出式。( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]前臂功能位为()
A. 5~60° B. 45~150° C. 60~120° D. 70~110° E. 旋前,旋后的中立位 [单项选择]收集心脏静脉血的冠状窦注入
A. 上腔静脉 B. 右心房 C. 下腔静脉 D. 右心室 E. 左心房 [判断题]海关总署是国务院的直属机构;直属海关由海关总署领导,负责管理一定区域范围内海关业务的海关。 ( )
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