方案 | 期初投资 | 第1年 | 第2年 | 第3年 | 第4年 |
A | -200000 | 0 | 50000 | 100000 | 150000 |
B | -200000 | 30000 | 60000 | 90000 | 120000 |
(31) , optical
illusion can cut highway crashes. Japan is a case (32) . It
has reduced automobile crashes on some roads (33) nearly 75
percent using a simple optical illusion. Bent stripes, called chevrons
(34) the roads make drivers think that they are driving
faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down. Now the American
Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington D. C. is planning to
(35) Japan’s success. Starting next year, the foundation
will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads mound the
country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes. Excessive speed
plays a major role (36) one fifth of all fatal traffic
accidents, according to the foundation. (37) those
accidents, the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed-related
h A. cut B. increase C. produce D. press [单选题]含有或直接沾染危险废物的弃包装物、容器、清洗杂物为()。
A.危险废物 B.废包装物 C.一般废物 [多选题]危险化学品泄漏事故,对泄漏的气体进行检测包括?( )
A.检测的内容主要检测气体泄漏的物质,什么物品泄漏; B.泄漏的数量 C.泄露的部位。 D.泄漏的范围。 [单选题]雷达生命探测仪最大探测距离可达( )m。
A.10 B.12 C.24 D.18 [填空题]施工单位应当对管理人员和作业人员每年至少进行一次(),其教育培训情况记入个人工作档案,安全生产教育培训考核不合格的人员不得上岗。
A.机械指示位置 B.电气指示 C.带电显示装置 D.仪表 [多项选择]男性淋病常见的合并下列哪些疾病()
A. 前列腺炎 B. 附睾炎 C. 精囊炎 D. 膀胱炎 E. 输尿管炎 [单选题]原料的出材率高低可以考核操作人员的( )。
A. 卫生水平 B. 工作水平 C. 鉴别水平 D. 技术水平 我来回答: 提交