Passage One
We have rather a small house, with only one spare bedroom. You can imagine our alarm, then, when Aunt Clara wrote to say that she was coming to stay with her family for the weekend. Her family, l should explain, consists of four boys, all under the age of 12.
I sent off a telegram at once, protesting that our house was too small. Aunt Clara called us up the next morning. "I forgot to explain," she said in her sweetest voice, "the boys will bring a couple of tents."
Even so, my wife was far from reassured. It was true we had a large garden, but there was still the problem of feeding four growing boys.
"And what if it rains" she demanded.
But Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara. I managed to squeeze three of the boys, together with the luggage, into the back of the car. The youngest sat in front, with Aunt Clara and me.
A. interesting
B. useful
C. essential
D. personal
Everybody dances. If you have
(1) swerved to avoid stepping on a crack in the sidewalk,
you have danced. If you have ever kneeled to pray, you have danced. For these
actions have figured importantly (2) the history of dance.
Dance goes (3) to the beginnings of civilization—
(4) the tribe—where natives danced to get (5)
they wanted. Primitive dance was (6) all
practical, not the social dancing we know today. Natives approached dance with
(7) seriousness as a way to help the tribe in the crucial
process (8) survival. Dance was believed to be the
(9) direct way to repel locusts, to (10)
rain to fall, to insure that a male heir would be born, and (11)
guarantee victory in a forthcoming battle. Primitive (12) was generally done by many people moving in A. at B. for C. of D. to [单选题]水平仪在使用前可检查其读数误差,其方法是:第一次读数后,将水平仪在原位(用铅笔划上端线)掉转( )度再读一次。
A.45 B.90 C.120 D.180 [判断题])
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]女性,28岁,近半年体重增加20kg,肥胖明显,皮肤出现紫纹,多毛,月经失调。测血压22/12kPa,血皮质醇浓度升高,CT检查示双侧肾上腺增大,血浆ACTH40mmol/L为明确病因,应选择哪种检查为佳
A.蝶鞍X线平片 B.双侧肾上腺B超 C.蝶鞍部CT D.腹部平片 [多选题]旁路断路器代路操作前,( )方可拉开被代断路器,最后拉开被代断路器两侧隔离开关。
A.旁路断路器保护按所代断路器保护定值整定投入 B.和被代断路器运行于同一条母线 C.旁路断路器三相均已合上 [单项选择]休克时CVP为0.49kPa,血压为10.7/8. 0kPa,下列哪项措施最有效
A. 应用血管扩张药 B. 应用血管收缩药 C. 充分补充液体 D. 应用激素 E. 使用强心剂 [单选题]企业职工个人应缴的各项社会保险费由( )。
A.企业职工个人向税务机关申报缴纳 B.企业代扣并向税务机关申报缴纳 C.企业职工个人向社保部门申报缴纳 D.企业代扣并向社保部门申报缴纳 [多项选择]在秦朝的刑名中,适用女犯的有( )。
A. 城旦 B. 舂 C. 白粲 D. 作如司寇 [单选题](2018)左枕前位表示胎儿的枕骨在母体骨盆的:( )
A.左前方 B.右前方 C.中部 D.右后方 E.左后方 [不定项选择题]测量绝缘电阻的仪器是(),又称()
A.电流表 B.电压表 C.摇表 D.兆欧表 E.校准仪 [单选题]攻铸铁材料螺纹时加( )而不加切削液,钢件材料加切削液,以保证铰孔表面的粗糙度要求。
A.机油 B.煤油 C.汽油 D.黄油 [单选题] 根据民事诉讼法规定, 合议庭成员人数必须是:
A.单数 B.复数 C.双数 D.偶数 [判断题] 在确定设备的容量时,需要将各设备的额定功率换算成统一工作制下的设备容量,然后相加。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]为使企业(客户)满意,并获得竞争优势,物流服务必须做好()工作
A. 理解客户需求 B. 确定优先的增值因素 C. 建立实际的服务目标 D. 处理好雇员与管理人员的关系 E. 衡量和沟通服务 [判断题]开机进入售票系统,核对补票机日期、车次是否正确、显示票号与票卷票号是否一致,确认无误后,按照问、输、收、做、核、交“六字”售票法进行补票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]、发文机关同收文机关之间的公文往来关系是( )
A.组织关系 B.公务关系 C.行文关系 D.平行关系 [多选题] 2019年8月15日,西藏日喀则供电公司外包人员在某变电站10千伏开关室外进行外墙粉刷工作,在移动脚手架过程中误碰运行线路导致人身触电死亡,此事故暴露的问题有( )。
A. 作业现场严重违章,临近带电设备作业时,外包单位作业人员盲目移动脚手架,触及相邻带电间隔 B.作业人员安全意识极为淡薄,作业行为随意,现场安全管理存在严重漏洞 C.风险辨识防控不到位 D.现场安全管控不到位 [单选题]以下操作系统属于Linux系统的是。