One of the most widely discussed
subjects these days is energy crisis. Automobile drivers cannot get gasoline;
homeowners may not get enough heating oil; factories are (56)
by a fuel shortage. The crisis has (57) questions about the large oil companies and windfall (58) . Critics of the oil industry charge that the major companies are getting richer because of the oil shortage. Shortage, of course, drives prices up. As oil prices rise, the critics say, the oil companies will make more money (windfall profits) without doing a thing to (59) the extra cash. "Windfall" profits are sudden unearned profits-profits made (60) luck, or some special turn of events. The word itself tells what "windfall" means-- something blown down by the wind, such as trees, or fruit (61) from trees. But the word has ta A. except B. because of C. beyond D. for [单选题](27845)韶山6B型电力机车扫石器角钢底边距轨面高度应在( )。(1.0分)
47/109 A.30~40 mm B.50~60 mm C.70~80 mm D. 90~100 mm [单选题]维修作业的组织领导工作由设备管理单位负责。Ⅰ级维修负责人由( )担当。
A.青年骨干 B.一般职工 C.车间主任(副主任) D.工(班)长 [单选题]企业对随同商品出售而不单独计价的包装物进行会计处理时,该包装物的实际成本应结转到( )。
A.制造费用 B.销售费用 C.管理费用 D.其他业务成本 [简答题]简述诏书的改革。
A.民警可以立即使用武器制止双方继续殴斗 B.民警在警告无效后可以使用武器 C.民警应该使用驱逐性.制服性警械制止双方继续殴斗 D.民警既可以使用警械也可以鸣枪示警 [判断题]管道密封套主要用于压力16巴的管道裂缝密封。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. 聚乙二醇 B. 蔗糖 C. 碳酸氢钠 D. 聚丙烯酸树脂 E. 羟丙基甲基纤维素 [多选题]火灾自动报警系统日常检查主要包括()等几个方面。
A.外观检查 B.报警控制器的功能、性能检查 C.疏散通道、安全出口等检查 D.系统的功能、性能检查 E.灭火器的检查 [单项选择]There are many medical problems in the modern society. One of the most alarming medical problems in the world is a (21) disease named HIV virus. This kind of virus is first (22) twenty years ago. It weakens the body and develops fully blown AIDS. AIDS is not obvious in the early stage. Sometimes symptoms occur within a few weeks after (23) . They are often flu-like, such as (24) , fever, headache, diarrhea and night sweats.
The three main (25) routes of HIV are sexual contact, exposure to infected body fluids or tissues and from mother to (26) or child during perinatal period. This kind of virus can always (27) some families apart. People’s first (28) is a denial about their loved one’s condition. HIV positive people are those who have tested positive for the virus. (29) they are related to conditions that are far less serious than HIV, they can only be treated when potential patient A. admit B. aware C. acknowledge D. argue [单选题]当路堤及路堑边坡、隧道仰坡高度大于()m时,应设置台阶。
A.2 B.2.5 C.3 D.5 我来回答: 提交