项目 |
差额 |
贷方 |
借方 |
一、经常项目 A.货物和服务 B.收益 C.经常转移 二、戏本和金融项目 A.资本项目 B.金融项目 1.直接投资 2.证券投资 3.其他投资 三、储备资产 四、净误差与遗漏 |
17405275 28086220 -19173258 8492313 34775427 [多选题]护士在和危重患者沟通时,下列做法正确的是(多选题)( )
A.尽量缩短交谈时间 B.提问以开放式问题为主 C.运用触摸 D.使用非语言沟通技巧 E.避免和患者交谈 [多选题]LFD21068 目前最常见的风力发电机型式为( )的模式。
A.水平轴; B.紧凑型; C.三叶片; D.短主轴; E.上风向。 [单项选择]一昏迷患者后送时,不应采取的措施是
A. 采取俯卧位 B. 额部垫高,口鼻悬空 C. 采取侧卧位 D. 疑有颈椎损伤,颈下放置小枕,头左右两侧用小枕固定 E. 随时观察伤情,防止窒息和休克 [单选题]三菱FX系列可编程序控制器中16位的数值传送用( )指令。
A.DMOV B.MOV C.MEAN D.RS [单选题]诺西COBA模块ACT激活灯闪烁频率为(),当前模块为备用。
A.A.0.625Hz B.B.0.925Hz C.C.1.625Hz D.D.0.325Hz [单项选择]新生儿破伤风的感染途径为()
A. 皮肤 B. 呼吸道 C. 消化道 D. 血液 E. 脐部 [多选题]、国务院办公厅印发了《深化收费公路制度改革取消高速公路省界收费站实施方案》,提出了调整货车通行费计费方式、统一按车(轴)型收费、修订《收费公路车辆通行费车型分类》标准等任务要求,其中《收费公路车辆通行费车型分类》的修订要遵循下列哪些原则( )。
A.技术先进性 B.操作简便性 C.分类合理性 D.标准延续性 E.车型完整性 [单项选择]在Word2003中,()不能在“段落”对话框中完成。
A. 间距 B. 缩进 C. 对齐方式 D. 字体 [单项选择]A. She has not applied to any companies yet.
B. She will begin working in a few weeks. C. She does not yet know if a company will accept her. D. She is too busy to contact the company right now. [判断题]根据《供电营业规则》规定,伪造或开启供电企业加封的用电计量装置封印用电,属于违约用电。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]道岔表示器昼间为中央划有一条鱼尾形黑线的黄色鱼尾形牌表示道岔位置开通直向。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]共用题干
The Ideal Husband
Science now might be able to explain women'S fascination with Brad Pitt'S face and George Clooney's eyes. Women seem to__________(51)potential mate by how masculine their features are,new research shows. Men with square jaws and well-defined brow ridges(轮廓清晰的眉骨)are seen as good short-term partners,_______(52)those with more feminine traits such as a rounder face and fuller lips are per- ceived as better long-term mates. In the study by Daniel Kruger at the US's University of Michigan,854 subjects viewed a series of ___________( 53 ) head shots that had been digitally changed to exaggerate or minimize masculine traits(男性 特征).They then_________(54)questions about how they expected the men in the photos to behave. Most participants said that those with more masculine features were__________(55)to be risky,com- petitive,and more apt to fight,challenge bosses,cheat on spouses and put less effort into parenting. Those with more feminine___________(56)were seen as good parents and husbands,hard workers and emotionally supportive mates. But,despite all the negative characteristics,when asked who they would choose for a short-term rela- tionship,women selected the more masculine_________(57)men.Brad and George,both chiseled jaws and well-defined brows,then would be good fora_________(58)romance,not for something longer. The study was published in the Deqember issue of the US journal Personal Relationships.Kruger said that from an evolutiona叮perspective,this_________(59)sense.The key 15 testosterone(睾丸激素),the hormone(荷尔蒙)responsible________(60)the development of masculine facial features and other sexual characteristics.It has been found to affect the body's ability to fight disease:men with high levels of the hormone are typically_______(61)and healthy traits women want to pass on to their children. However,increased testosterone has also been linked to________(62)and violence in relationships. 50,these men_______(63)produce high quality offspring,but they don't always make great parents or faithful mates,Kruger says. The scientific community(学术界)have__________(64)skepticism toward physiognomy(观相术), which links facial characteristics to certain behavioral traits.But Krugera卿es that the research 15 a valua- ble tool for understanding mating strategies.And,of course,for explaining why Tony Leung and Takeshi Kanesshiro have millions of female_________(65).It might have to do with their genes.Or something to do with ours. _________(62) A.cheat B.cheats C.cheated D.cheating [判断题]发票开具抬头必须与业务系统中账户名称一致,不允许擅自修改发票抬头。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.7灾害发生后,若需对配电线路、设备进行巡视,应得到设备运维管理单位批准。巡视人员与派出部门之间应保持通信联络。【单选题】灾害发生后,若需对配电线路、设备进行巡视,应得到()批准。
A.设备运维管理单位领导 B.设备运维管理单位 C.工作负责人 D.值班调控人员 [多项选择]文件语言严谨、庄重的特点主要体现在()。
A. 使用规范化的书面语言 B. 词义解释要严密 C. 词语的限定要周密 D. 使用文件专用词语 E. 词语数量要限制 [单选题]体育教学的主要特点是 ( )
A.师生的双边活动 B.一般在室外运动场上进行 C.从事各种身体练习 D.主导作用和主体作用的结合 [单项选择]空调安装工须掌握(),严禁带电操作。
A. 一般知识 B. 电工知识 C. 公关知识 D. 财务知识 [单选题]5G RAN2.0版本 gNodeB支持VRF索引为0的默认路由域。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]若渗水由清变浑,或明显的看到水中含有土颗粒,则属于()渗漏。
A.接触 B.正常 C.异常 [单选题]B-B-B-018 5 2 1
SY-02型密度计测量值的允许误差是( ) A. ±0.1kg/m3 B. ±0.3kg/m3 C. ±0.2kg/m3 D. ±0.4kg/m3 [单项选择]产品侵权责任不受()的限制,即便消费者与生产者、销售者等之间没有合同关系存在,也能够就其所受损害提出赔偿请求。
A. 法律关系 B. 经济关系 C. 合同关系 D. 利益关系 我来回答: 提交