Who is poor in America This is a hard question to answer. Despite poverty’s messiness, we’ve measured progress against it by a single statistic: the federal poverty line. In 2008, the poverty threshold was $ 21,834 for a four-member family with two children under 18. By 1his measure, we haven’t made much progress. Except for recessions, when the poverty rate can rise to 15 percent, it’s stayed in a narrow range for decades. In 2007—the peak of the last business cycle—the poverty rate was 12.5 percent; one out of eight Americans was "poor. " In 1969, another business-cycle peak, the poverty rate was 12.1 percent. But the apparent lack of progress is misleading for two reasons.
First, it ignores immigration. Many immigrants are poor and low skilled. They add to the poor. From 1989 to 2007, about three quarters of the increase in the poverty population occurred among Hispanics—mostly immigrants, their children, and grandchi
A. is a faithful measure of poverty
B. is not adequate as a measure
C. is not as good as the supplemental measure
D. should have been discarded long ago
年度 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
盈亏 | -40 | 30 | 40 | 70 | 90 | 110 | A. 36.5
B. 32.5 C. 37.5 D. 39.5 [判断题]新消防员入队、学员入校,应当学唱队歌。( )队列条令
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]眩晕心悸,口不渴,小便不利,证属()
A. 饮停胸胁 B. 饮停于肺 C. 水饮凌心 D. 痰湿阻肺 [单选题]在电子加速器辐照装置工程设计时, 辐射防护的剂量约束值规定, 辐射防护工作人员个 人年有效剂量值 _____ mSv,公众成员个人年有效剂量值 _____ mSv。( )
A.50.20 B.20.5 C.5.1 D.5.0.1 [判断题]车辆联挂后应试拉,确认车钩连接状态是否良好。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交