W: What an awful day! Look at that rain coming down!
M: Yes, it sure is raining hard, isn’t it And listen to that wind blowing!
W: I know. I call feel the whole building shake. I guess if you like storms, it’s a great day.
M: I’ve got a date to go out to a party. If the rain stops, I’ll go, but I really don’t want to go if the weather continues like this.
W: I’m going out jogging when I get home if the rain stops.
M: Do you go jogging often
W: Every other day if I can, but sometimes I’m just too tired and other times, like today, the weather’s not good enough.
M: You must be in good shape.
W: I try. I think we should order; it’s getting late. What are you going to have
M: I think I’ll try the noodles. I can smell山em cooking.
W: Have you ever tried them before
M: No, have you
W: Yes, just a couple of weeks ago. I don/t recommen
A. It’s raining but the wind is blowing only slightly.
B. It’s raining and the wind is blowing hard.
C. It’s not raining hard now but it was.
D. The rain’s stopped but the wind has started blowing.
Meteorologists routinely tell us what
next week’s weather is likely to be, and climate scientists discuss what might
happen in 100 years. Christoph Schar, though, ventures dangerously close to that
middle realm, where previously only the Farmer’s Almanac dared go, what will
next summer’s weather be like Following last year’s tragic heat wave, which
directly caused the death of tens of thousands of people, the question is of
burning interest to Europeans. Schar asserts that last summer’s sweltering
temperatures should no longer be thought of as extraordinary. "The situation in
2002 and 2003 in Europe, where we had a summer with extreme rainfall and record
flooding followed by the hottest summer in hundreds of years, is going to be
typical for future weather patterns," he says. Most Europeans have proba A. they are all clued up about climate. B. they don’t know much about climate. C. they are probing into the field of climate. D. they are uncertain of climatic phenomena. [填空题]电子商务的安全要求包括传输的安全性、交易各方的身份认证、 【17】 和交易的不可抵赖性四个方面。
A. 个别性 B. 直觉性 C. 随机性 D. 形而上 [单选题]张某持刀企图强奸女青年兰某,兰某奋力抵抗,在夺刀的过程中将刀刺入张某动脉导致张某失血过多死亡。对兰某的行为判断正确的是:
A.故意杀人 B.正当防卫 C.防卫过当 D.意外事件 [单选题]升弓手信号在夜间的显示方式为白色灯光作( )。
A.圆形转动 B.左右重复摇动 C.上下摇动 D.上下左右摆动 [判断题]高速无砟线路正线可设置复曲线。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]{{I}}Complete the form below.
Write {{B}}NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS{{/B}} or {{B}}A NUMBER {{/B}}for each answer.{{/I}}
{{B}}Conference Registration Form{{/B}}
{{B}}Name of Conference:{{/B}}Beyond 2000{{/B}}
{{B}}Name:{{/B}} Melanie{{B}} 1{{/B}} .................................... Ms .......
{{B}}Address: 2{{/B}} Room ............... at ............................... Newtown
{{B}}Faculty: 3{{/B}} .................................................................
{{B}}Student No: 4{{/B}} ..........................................................................
[单选题](单选题).确定归经学说的理论基础是( )
A.阴阳学说 B.脏腑经络理论 C.药性理论 D.药味理论 [单项选择]患者,男性,42岁。在房间内因煤气泄露起火烧伤后2小时入院。疼痛剧烈,声嘶,诉口渴,心率150次/分,BP85/60mmHg,面颈部、躯干部布满大小不等水疱,创面基底潮红,双上肢呈焦黄色,无水疱。该病人入院后急需要处理的是()
A. 全身冷疗减轻创面的继续损伤 B. 创面彻底清创处理,减轻创面的污染及降低感染率 C. 建立静脉通道快速补液 D. 急诊全麻下行双上肢切痂植皮术 E. 口服含盐液体解决口渴症状 [单选题]其他线路双线之一线或单线行车中断6小时以上10小时以下,双线行车中断( )小时以上10小时以下,为一般A类事故。
A.3 B.6 C.5 D.4 [填空题]XPS取样送检以出厂的同一类别、同一规格的产品 ( )为一批,不足( )的按一批计。
[单选题]互换性几何参数内容包括尺寸、形状和( )(易)
A.强度 B.硬度 C.位置 D.材料 [单项选择]在消防上,当管径小于等于DN50时,采用()连接。
A. 焊接 B. 法兰 C. 螺纹 D. 承插 [多选题]RCS-931A型微机保护装置在PT断线时,退出的保护元件有(____)。
A.零序方向元件 B.分相差动电流元件 C.距离保护 D.零序II段过流保护元件 [单选题]不属于润滑油理化性能指标的是( )。
A.颜色 B.闪点 C.粘度 D.滴点 [单项选择]最高人民法院院长每届任期同全国人民代表大会每届任期相同,连续任职不得超过( )届。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [判断题]–年1月18日,“特高压直流输电关键技术、成套设备及工程应用”荣获国家科学技术进步奖特等奖,这是中国电工领域在国家科技奖上获得的最高荣誉。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]哪些情况出现负胀差?为什么说负胀差大比正胀差大更危险?
A.不锈钢管 B.铸铁管 C.生铁管 D.A/B/C均有可能 [单项选择]烧伤病人防治感染的措施中错误的说法是()。
A. 及时纠正休克 B. 营养支持 C. 纠正水电解质平衡失调 D. 正确处理创面 E. 大剂量长期应用抗生素 [单选题] 验证某个信息在传送过程中是否被篡改,这属于____。
A. 认证技术 B. 防病毒技术 C. 加密技术 D. 访问控制技术 [单选题]治疗咳嗽迁延不愈或愈而复发,应首选( )。
A.止嗽散 B.三拗汤 C.桑杏汤 D.泻白散 E.华盖散 [判断题]在信息系统上工作,一个工作负责人不能同时执行多张信息工作票(工作任务单)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我国刑法规定,凡在我国领域内犯罪的,( )。
A. 一律适用我国刑法 B. 除法律有特别规定的以外,都适用我国刑法 C. 我国公民适用我国刑法,外国人不适用 D. 我国公民适用我国刑法,外国人通过外交途径解决 [单项选择]烤乳猪在腌制时用的调料是()。
A. 花椒盐 B. 葱椒盐 C. 孜然粉 D. 五香盐 我来回答: 提交