On the average, Americans waste as much energy as two-thirds of the world’s population consumes. That’s largely the (1) of driving inefficient cars, using inefficient appliances (设备), and living and working in poorly insulated (隔热) buildings. Then what can you do to (2) the situation
Buy energy-efficient products—Buy new appliances or electronics of the highest energy-efficiency rating. New energy-efficient models may cost more initially, but have a lower operating (3) over their lifetimes. The most energy-efficient models (4) the Energy Star label, which identifies products (5) use 20-40 percent less energy than standard new products. According to the EPA.(美国环境保护署), the typical American household can save about $400 per year in (6) bills with products that carry the Energy Star.
Switch to compact fluorescent
A. power
B. result
C. way
D. work
{{B}}Animal’s "Sixth
Sense"{{/B}} A tsunami was triggered by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean in December, 2004. It killed tens of thousands of people in Asia and East Africa. Wild animals,{{U}} (51) {{/U}}, seem to have escaped that terrible tsunami. This phenomenon adds weight to notions that they possess a "sixth sense" for{{U}} (52) {{/U}}, experts said. Sri Lankan wildlife officials have said the giant waves that killed over 24,000 people along the Indian Ocean island’s coast clearly{{U}} (53) {{/U}}wild beasts, with no dead animals found. "No elephants are dead, not{{U}} (54) {{/U}}a dead rabbit. I think animals can{{U}} (55) {{/U}}disaster. They have a sixth sense. They know when things are happening," H.D. A. missed B. protected C. raised D. caught [单项选择]每克食物碳水化合物在体内代谢产生能量为
A. 2.39kJ B. 4.18kJ C. 16.8kJ D. 37.6kJ E. 33.4kJ [单选题]消防产品必须符合国家标准;没有国家标准的,必须符合( )。 [ 易]
A.地方标准 B. 部门规章 C. 行业标准 D. 地方性法规 [多项选择]根据商业秘密的法律定义,商业秘密应具备的基本要件有()
A. 不为公众所知悉 B. 采取了保密措施 C. 能为权利人带来经济利益 D. 具有实用性 [填空题]线路所防护分歧道岔的通过色灯信号机开放经道岔侧向位置的进路时显示一个黄色闪光和一个黄色灯光——表示分歧道岔为( )号及以上,开往半自动闭塞或自动站间闭塞区间,或开往自动闭塞区间且列车运行前方次一闭塞分区空闲。
A.40 B.60 C.72 [单项选择]在最终的模型中任何一个不确定联系必须被转化成______。
A. 标定型联系 B. 非标定型联系 C. 分类联系 D. 确定联系 [单选题](中)由专用变压器供电的电动机,单台容量超过其变压器容量的( )时,必须加装降压启动设备。( )
A.10% B.20% C.30% D.40% [多选题]焦炭的挥发份与焦化反应温度的关系为( )。
A.焦化反应温度过低,焦炭的挥发份减少 B.焦化反应温度过低,焦炭的挥发份增大 C.焦化反应温度过高,焦炭的挥发份增大 D.焦化反应温度过高,焦炭的挥发份减少 [单选题]高级语言的程序控制结构包括()
A.顺序结构、分支结构和循环结构 B.数据输入、数据处理和数据输出 C.输入结构、输出结构 D.数据类型、表达式、语句 [单项选择]骨髓检查原始粒细胞>80%,早幼粒细胞12%,中幼粒细胞3%,诊断()
A. 急非淋白血病M1型 B. 急非淋白血病M2a C. 急非淋白血病M2b D. 急非淋白血病M3型 E. 以上都不正确 [多项选择]地下连续墙施工时,泥浆的主要作用是()。
A. 降低土层硬度 B. 维持槽壁稳定 C. 冷却与润滑 D. 便于钢筋笼放置 E. 携渣 [判断题]在车站不具备乘客安全乘降条件以及列车晚点可能或已经造成后续列车发生拥堵时,可采用载客通过的方式,安排载客列车在部分车站通过。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交