One of the industrial giants who changed American society was Henry Ford horn on a farm in Michigan in 1863, and he grew up to bring forth some of the most revolutionary improvements in automotive technology in the early 20th century. His outstanding mechanical ability led him to become interested in the new automobiles in the early 1900s. Though be did not invent the automobile, he improved upon everyone else’s designs. He was a person who believed in inexpensive, efficient production, so he established standards for his plants and workers. He also standardized and produced many new auto parts for his Ford Motor Company cars. Then he studied the workers’ problems and thousands of automobiles per year. In fact, his plants had produced 15 million Model TS by 1927. Ford’s personality was not all thrift (节俭), efficiency and inventiveness, however. He was a man who was cold and who could not keep pace with the competition due to his own rigidity (严格). His company su
A. Henry Ford always tried to avoid waste
B. Henry Ford required total observation once the standards were established
C. Henry Ford always encouraged his workers to make changes oft he products
D. Henry Ford made his own designs of his cars
Eskimo villages today are larger and
more complex than the traditional nomadic groups of Eskimo kinsmen. Village
decision making is organized through community councils and co-operative boards
of directors, institutions which the Eskimos were encouraged by the government
to adopt. They have been more readily accepted in villages like Fort Chimo where
there is an individualistic wage ethos and where ties of kinship are less
important than in the rural village such as Port Burwell, where communal sharing between kinsmen is more emphasized. Greater contact with southern Canadians and better educational facilities have shown Fort Chimo Eskimos that it is possible to argue and negotiate with the government rather than to acquiesce passively in its policies. The old-age paternalism of southern Canadian A. This kind of work does not appeal to Eskimos. B. At certain times the work can be dangerous. C. The location of the scheme has certain drawbacks. D. Too few people are involved in it. [不定项选择题]以下属于常规水质因子的有()。
A.COD B.DO、NH3-N、SS C.砷、汞、铬(六价) D.酚、氰化物 [简答题]
阅读《咬文嚼字》中的一段文字,回答问题: [多选题] 下列哪些机关可以自己的名义实施行政处罚
A.国务院各部门 B.县级以上地方人民政府 C.法律、 法规授权的组织 D.受委 托的组织 [多项选择]下列关于普通法与衡平法的描述中正确的有( )。`
A. 普通法是指11世纪诺曼底人人侵英国后所逐步形成的普遍适用于英格兰的一种判例法 B. 衡平法是14世纪末在英国产生与发展起来的,作为对普遍法的修正和补充形式而存在 C. 衡平法院即为王室法院 D. 普通法院后又称为大法官法院 [多项选择]烟草机械的( )和对外经济技术合作由中国烟草机械集团公司负责实行集中统一经营管理。
A. 生产 B. 销售 C. 使用 D. 进出口 [单项选择]X射线与γ射线的区别是()。
A. 穿透能力不同 B. 强度不同 C. 产生机理不同 D. A、B和C [单选题]保险公司协议存款单笔(一份合同)最低起存金额不得低于 元,养老金性质协议存款单笔(一份合同)最低起存金额不得低于 元。( )
A.3000万;5亿 B.5000万;5亿 C.3000万;3亿 D.5000万;3亿 [单项选择]属于物流控制层作业内容有()
A. 生产计划与控制 B. 物流系统规划 C. 原材料仓储 D. 发货运输 [单项选择]患者男性,40岁。因双膝挛缩畸形、活动受限5年入院,拟行双膝人工关节置换术。既往类风湿关节炎16年,强直性脊柱炎8年。术前心肺功能及主要化验检查未见异常。查体令患者张口伸舌,仅能见到软腭,最大张口度3cm,颈后仰受限,脊柱强直活动受限。该患者术前按Mallampati分级,属于哪一级()。
A. MallampatiⅠ级 B. MallampatiⅡ级 C. MallampatiⅢ级 D. MallampatiⅣ级 E. MallampatiⅤ级 F. MallampatiⅥ级 [单项选择]You create a Web Form that allows users to create a new account. You add a CreateUserWizard control by using the following code segment. You need to ensure that the wizard automatically sends an e-mail message to users when they finish creating their accounts. You add a valid
A. Wizard1.RequireEmail = tr ue; B. Wizard1.Email = “”; C. Wizard1.MailDefinition.From = “”; D. SmtpMail.SmtpServer = “”; [单选题]《南昌局集团公司铁路运输应急处置指导组响应办法(试行)》(南铁运〔2018〕152号)达到三级响应标准时,公司应急响应工作由调度所主任(副)负责,有关专业处室应急值班人员应及时赶赴调度所(接到通知时起()分钟内),按专业分工做好指导工作
A.20 B.15 C.10 D.30 [单选题]单选题
固定资产会计科目由资产主数据上的( )决定。 A.资产类别 B.新单项资产类别 C.资产描述 D.资产主号文本 [多选题]家庭关系的四种冲突模式主要是( )。
A.因“利”引发 B.因“情”引发 C.因“育”引发 D.因“活”引发 [单选题]在筒身外壁作曲面周向探伤时,缺陷的实际深度比按平板探伤时所得读数( )。
A.大 B.小 C.相同 D.以上都可能 [单选题]下列各项中,属于我国会计核算法规制度体系最高层次的是( )
A.会计准则 B.会计法 C.会计制度 D.会计工作规范 [单选题]生产经营单位为了保证安全资金的有效投入,应编制安全技术措施计划,其核心是( )。
A.安全技术手册 B.安全技术措施 C.安全技术预案 [判断题]机械设备使用中发现故障需紧急处理时,应先停机、切断电路、风路、水路、动力油等,撤离线路建筑限界以外进行处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]B-A-C-022 4 7 3
加氢装置中关于控制循环氢中硫化氢含量的说法正确的有( )。 A. 如果循环氢中有较多的 H2S,就会腐蚀管道设备 B. 从化学平衡来看循环氢中有 H2S 不利于加氢反应 C. 硫化氢含量高将降低系统氢分压 D. 必须将循环氢中硫化氢完全脱除 [单选题]塔机吊钩心轴磨损量超过其直径的( )时,应予以报废。
A.5% B.10% C.15% D.0.2 [单选题][单选]最常见的小细胞低色素贫血是?
A.地中海贫血 B.缺铁性贫血 C.溶血性贫血 D.全身性贫血 E.失血性贫血 [单项选择]站点、资源点、承载点的定位经纬度标准到()
A. 小数点后3位且第3位不能为0 B. 小数点后4位且第4位不能为0 C. 小数点后5位且第5位不能为0 D. 小数点后6位且第6位不能为0 [单选题] SS4改型机车制动工况下实现准恒速运行主要是由( )来实现的。
A.调速手轮 B.换向手柄 C.特性控制器 D.电子柜 [判断题]作业人员登杆塔前应核对停电检修线路的识别标记和线路名称、杆号无误后,方可攀登。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]除灰用压缩空气低于( )MPa,仓泵输灰监盘画面上会出现除灰压缩空气压力低报警。
A. 0.4 B. 0.5 C. 0.55 D. 0.45 [多选题]在联通大数据产业解决方案中,描述企业预警的选项包括?
A.动态监测,实时预警 B.通过融合政府、企业等多维数据,分析企业自身信息与企业人员的信息数据 C.企业经营业绩报有 D.对数据异常的企业进行实时预警,帮助决策者防患于未然 E.企业财务状况 我来回答: 提交