Inventors and their Inventions
New inventions are appearing every day to make our lives easier, longer, warmer, speedier and so on. But only a few inventors design a new machine or product that becomes so well - known that the invention, named after its creator, becomes a household word. Here are four famous inventors and the inventions that are named after them:
1. John Bowler, a London hatter who designed the hard round hat known as the bowler in about 1850. It has become the symbol of a respectable British man.
2. Louis Braille (1809--1952), born in France. He was blinded as a child. In 1924 he developed his own alphabet patterns known as Braille by which the blind could read by touch.
3. Rudolf Diesel ( 1858--1913 ), a German engineer who invented the diesel engine in 1897 and so began a transport revolution in cars, lorries and trains.
4. Charles Rolls, a car salesman who with the engineer Henry Royce created the world - famous
I was taken by a friend one afternoon to a theatre. When the curtain was raised, the stage was perfectly empty save for tall grey curtains which enclosed it on all sides, and presently through the thick folds of those curtains children came dancing in, singly, or in pairs, till a whole troop of ten or twelve were assembled. They were all girls; none, I think, more than fourteen years old, one or two certainly not more than eight. They wore but little clothing, their legs, feet and arms being quite bare. Their hair, too, was unbound; and their fates, grave and smiling, were so utterly dear and joyful, that in looking on them one felt transported to some Garden of Hesperides, a where self was not, and the spirit floated in pure ether. Some of these children were fair and rounded, others dark and elf-like; but one and all looked entirely happy, and quite unself-conscious, giving no impression of artifice, though they had evidently had the highest and most careful training. Each flig
A. the dancing girls are all very beautiful.
B. the girls come from all over the world.
C. the two tallest girls are the outstanding dancers.
D. the girls’ performance is very successful.