正确的诊断是() The history of Western music
properly begins with the music of the Christian, Church. But all through the
Middle Ages and even to the present time men have continually turned back to
Greece and Rome for instruction, for correction, and for inspiration in their
several fields of work; this has been true in music--though with some important
differences. R6man literature, for example, never ceased to exert influence in
the Middle Ages, and this influence became much greater in the fourteenth and
fifteenth centuries when more Roman works became known, at the same time, too,
the surviving literature of Greece was gradually recovered. But in
literature, as well as in some other fields (notably sculpture), medieval or
Renaissance artists had the advantage of being able to study and, if they so
desired, imitate the models of antiquity. T A. music did not exist before the Middle Ages B. we were not better off than the Greek and Roman men C. there was not enough evidence to prove that Western music was originated from the ancient Greece and Rome D. there were no authentic remains of the ancient Roman music [判断题]在列车运行速度超过120 km/h的区段,两架有联系的信号机间的距离小于列车规定速度级差的制动距离时,应装设预告信号机。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]( )位置是一处闭而不锁的状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]油菜的开花顺序。
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A.红色标志 B.黄色标志 C.蓝色标志 D.绿色标志 [判断题]洗煤厂厂房内可以使用火炉取暖。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]善治风湿肩臂疼痛的药物是()
A. 羌活 B. 姜黄 C. 延胡索 D. 秦艽 E. 独活 [单项选择]