One Christmas Eve, I kissed my family goodbye and went to spend the night in the hospital where I worked in its emergency department (急诊部). It was a (36) job.
At 9 p.m., a man was brought in. He was having a heart attack and was (37) . I did my best to help him. Before I left in the morning, I stopped by to see (38) he was doing. He (39) the night and was sleeping.
Emergency doctors don’t have (40) relationships with patients like other doctors. We get the (41) sick and the wounded. Often they’re frightened or angry at us, just (42) we’re there. They pass through our hands and out the door. We (43) see them again, I thought (44) about my heart patient. The (45) year, I got Christmas Eve duty (46) and I pulled myself off to work. At 9 p.m. sharp, the nurse told me (47) in the hail wanted to speak with me.
The man introduced h
A. blamed
B. astonished
C. frightened
D. annoyed
Today is the anniversary of that
afternoon in April a year ago that I first saw the strange and appealing doll in
the window of Abe Sheftel’s stationery and toy shop on Third Avenue near
Fifteenth Street, just around the comer from my office, where the plate on the
door reads: Dr. Samuel Amory. I remember just how it was that day: the first
hint of spring floated across the East River, mixing with the soft-coal smoke
from the factories and the street smelled of the poor neighborhood. As I turned
the corner on my way to work and came to Sheftel’s, I was made once more aware
of the poor collection of toys in the dusty window. I remembered the approaching
birthday of a small niece of mine in Cleveland, to whom I was in the habit of
sending modest gifts. Therefore, I stopped and examined the window to see if
there might be any- th A. he was on his way to work B. he was looking for a present for his niece C. he wanted to buy some stationery D. he liked to look in the window [判断题]拆卸塔机前,施工总承包单位应当组织拆卸单位、监理单位对塔机的状况进行检查,符合条件后方可进行拆卸作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列计划性检修内容中( )是月检内容。
A.电池放电 B.门头扫灰 C.皮带紧固 D.柜子清灰 E.螺丝紧固 [单项选择]在纯水中加入一些酸,则溶液中()。
A. [H+][OH-]的乘积增大 B. [H+][OH-]的乘积减小 C. OH-的浓度增大 D. H+的浓度增大 E. H+的浓度减小 [单选题]面关于假币收缴凭证样式规格说法正确的是()。
A.凭证外缘尺寸为20Cm×14.5Cm; B.凭证文字信息全为中文汉字; C.凭证一联、二联背面均有“说明”内容; D.凭证第一联字体和边框为黑色、第二联字体和边框为红色 [单选题]浏览器存在的安全风险主要包含
A.网络钓鱼、隐私跟踪 B.网络钓鱼、隐私跟踪、数据劫持 C.隐私跟踪、数据劫持、浏览器的安全漏洞 D.网络钓鱼、隐私跟踪、数据劫持、李安澜起的安全漏洞 [多选题]断路器、GIS等高压电器设备及器材到达现场后应及时进行的检查包括( )。(GB 50147—2010《电气装置安装工程 高压电器施工及验收规范》3.0.5)
A.包装及密封应良好 B.附件、备件应齐全 C.产品的技术资料应齐全 D.按规范要求检查设备外观 [判断题]CTCS2级是基于无线传输信息的列车控制系统,采用移动闭塞,面向高速新线或特殊线路,目前尚处于研发中。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 检修作业,若需将盖板取下,应( )。 (1.0分)
A. 设临时围栏 B. 设置警示标识 C. 夜间还应设黄灯示警 D. 夜间还应设红灯示警 [单选题](2017年考题)它是最轻的热塑性塑料管材,具有较高的强度、较好的耐热性,且无毒、耐化学腐蚀,但其低温易脆化。每段长度有限,且不能弯曲施工,目前广泛用于冷热水供应系统中。此种管材为()。
A.聚乙烯管 B.超高分子量聚乙烯管 C.无规共聚聚丙烯管 D.工程塑料 [单选题]在( )m 及以上的高处作业应使用安全带。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多选题]生产、销售不合格消防产品的,可以对生产、销售者采取( )的强制措施或行政处罚。
A.A、查封、扣押 B.B、罚款 C.C、没收产品和违法所得 D.D、吊销营业执照 [单项选择]以下关于过期妊娠的时间界定,正确的是()
A. 妊娠>42周 B. 妊娠≥42周 C. 妊娠>40周 D. 妊娠≥40周 E. 37周≤妊娠≤40周 [简答题]“三懂三会”的内容是什么?
[单选题] 08-32捣固车的高低传感器安装在( )。
A.A点小车 B.B点小车 C.C点小车 D.D点小车 [名词解释]侦查
A. 年度财务会计报告 B. 半年度财务会计报告 C. 季度财务会计报告 D. 旬财务会计报告 E. 月度财务会计报告 [判断题]天车操作中必须按标准作业,不得移动太快或升降过猛,允许同时开三个以上的机构同时运转。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]凡需并网运行的农村小型分布式电源(风力发电、光伏发电、小型发电机等),应与供电部门依法签订并网协议后方可并网运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]工作终结后,工作负责人应及时报告工作许可人,报告方法包括( )。
A.当面报告 B.发送短信 C.派人传达 D.用电话报告并经复诵无误 [单项选择]商用房贷款信用风险不包括:()
A. 借款人还款能力发生变化 B. 商用房出租情况发生变化 C. 保证人还款能力发生变化 D. 他项权证未按规定进行保管,造成他项权证遗失 我来回答: 提交