按照该小区所在省人民政府建设主管部门规定,业主首次交存住宅专项维修资金的比例为6%,则王某需要交存的住宅专项维修资金为( )万元。 Wilmut maintains that cloning animals
has tremendous potential for helping people. Cloned Sheep, he says, could be
used as living drug factories. Scientists could "engineer" sheep that produce
drugs in their milk. And by altering the proteins on the surfaces of animal
organs to make them more like human organs, scientists believe they may be able
to create a plentiful source of organ donors for people. Why not clone humans as organ donors Theoretically, Wilmut says, there is no reason his techniques couldn’t someday be used to clone people. Think about the possibilities: a whole basketball team of Michael Jordans, a scientific panel of Albert Einsteins, a movie starring and co-starring Brad Pitts. On a more serious note, some experts argue that couples who have difficulty having a baby could make copies of themselves. And p A. humans are no less the sum of their genes than the animals B. genes cannot alone determine the life of human beings C. humans are nothing but the sum of their genes D. genes are the foundation of human lives [多选题]双离合自动变速器也叫直接换挡变速器其英文简称是
A.DSG B.DCT C.ABS D.ESP [简答题]碰压是固井过程中在顶替水泥浆结束时,胶塞与套管承托环相撞瞬间的泵压值。
A.干燥血浆 B.冰冻血浆 C.普通血浆 D.新鲜血 E.库血 [多项选择]不同的家长对家庭教育有自己的看法,下列哪些观点表现了实际生活中家庭教育不够科学的一面()。
A. 小孩子有耳无嘴 B. 老子打儿子,天经地义 C. 学生学习最重要,其它一切都不用管 D. 父母是孩子的第一任老师 [单项选择]足月儿,第1胎。生后2天黄疸明显,肝脾略肿大。血总胆红素255μmol/L(15mg/dl),1分钟胆红素2μmol/L,血型A,Rh,CcDee,直接抗人球蛋白试验弱阳性,母血型O,Rh,CcDEe。若患儿血清胆红素超过342μmol/L(20mg/dl),考虑换血,下列血源何者最理想()
A. O型血 B. A型血 C. A型血、RhCcDee D. O型血、RhCcDEe E. AB型血浆、0型血细胞 [单选题]计量二次回路可以采用的线型有(____)。
A.单股铜芯绝缘线 B.多股铜芯绝缘软线 C.单股铝芯绝缘线 D.多股铝芯绝缘线 [填空题]电路是由电源、负载、开关和_( )__四个基本部分组成。
A.甲驾车在公路转弯处高速行驶,撞翻相向行驶车辆,致2人死亡 B.乙驾驶越野车在道路上横冲直撞,撞翻数辆他人所驾汽车,致2人死亡 C.丙醉酒后驾车,刚开出10米就撞死2人 D.丁在繁华路段飙车,2名老妇受到惊吓致心脏病发作死亡 我来回答: 提交