To what extent are the unemployed failing in their
duty to society to work, and how far has the State an obligation to ensure that
they have work to do It is by now increasingly recognized that workers may be thrown out of work by industrial forces beyond their control, and that the unemployed are in some sense paying the price of the economic progress of the rest of the community. But concern with unemployment and the unemployed varies sharply. The issues of duty and responsibility were reopened and revitalized by the unemployment scare of 1971-1972. Rising unemployment and increased sums paid out in benefits to the workless had reawakened controversies which had been inactive during most of the period of fuller employment since the war ended the Depression. It looked as though in future there would again be too little work to g A. the unemployed ought to be supported by society as a whole B. the state should recognize that people work for more than just money C. it is a service to provide people with work rather than cash D. the state’s duty to provide work is as great as the individual’s duty to work [多项选择]世界贸易组织的与贸易有关的知识权协议(TRIPS)列举的知识产权包括()。
A. 商标权 B. 专利权 C. 版权 D. 未披露过的信息专有权 E. 科学发现权 [单选题]关于肱骨外上髁炎,治疗和预防复发的基本原则是:
A.手腕,肘关节石膏托外固定 B.及时治疗 C.反复多次注射醋酸泼尼松龙 D.限制握拳和伸腕动作 E.限制曲腕动作 [简答题]锅炉结焦的原因有哪些?
[单选题] 依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015)第25.5.2条规定:山区人工抬运笨重物件或钢筋混凝土电杆的道路,其宽度不宜小于 ( )m,坡度不宜大于 1:4。
A.1.2 B.1.3 C.1.4 D.1.5 [单选题] 下列网络结构中,网络生存性最好的是() (2分) 查看答案
A.环形 B.线形 C.星形 D.树形 [单选题]根据省局卷烟营销市场化取向改革工作实施方案,全省卷烟营销市场化取向改革的基本原则是( )
A.实事求是、客观公正、遵守规则 B.实事求是、遵循规律、遵守规则 C.尊重市场、遵循规律、遵守规则 D.尊重市场、客观公正、遵守规则 [单选题]以下哪个while 循环判定式最有可能是因程序员失误而写出的代码?()
A.while(x<=7) B.while(x=7) C.while(x<7) D.while(x!=7) [判断题]确定导线截面,须按允许电压损失和发热条件进行校验。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]常用于麻醉期体温监测的是( )
A. 腋窝温度 B. 直肠温度 C. 鼻咽温度 D. 食管温度 E. 耳鼓膜温度 [多选题]国家电网有限公司“国际领先”的内涵中,经营实力领先主要体现在( )。
A.电网发展水平国际领先 B.企业经营业绩国际领先 C.资源配置能力位于世界前列 D.运营效率效益位于世界前列 [填空题]室内消火栓、水枪、水带、消防卷盘等( )。
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