W: Hello Fred. You don’t look so good. What’s the matter
M: I just didn’t have a good sleep. It seemed I dreamed all night.
W: Well, just take it easy. Everyone dreams to stay healthy.
M: Do you know how long people usually dream during eight-hour sleep
W: For about one and a half hours on average. Dreaming helps us to rest our minds. What did you dream last night
M: It was terrible. I dreamed that I was chased by someone. And I was running all the time.
W: This is a very common type of dream. Over 70% of people have dreamed that they were being chased but unable to run away for one reason or another. This type of dream often happens during the period of great worry. Worry often brings about this kind of dream. It is particularly common among women.
M: How about dreams of violence
W: Dreams about violence are much common among men than women. The differences are not very great.
M: Are there
Some people believe that you have to be
a special kind of person to sell a product. Although it is clear that a
successful sales rep does need special talents and an outgoing personality, many
of the skills he uses are used by most of us. we build and{{U}} (21)
{{/U}}. relationships with different kinds of people, we listen to and take
note of what they tell us and don’t just enjoy the sound of our own voices and
we explain things to them and share ideas with them. A company may depend on its own sales team or on the salesmanship of its distributors, wholesalers or retailers.{{U}} (22) {{/U}}any company needs to establish a personal relationship A. on B. in C. upon D. to [单选题]抗结核短程化疗阶段常用的4种杀菌药物是:( )
A.异烟肼、利福平、链霉素、乙胺丁醇 B.异烟肼、利福平、吡嗪酰胺、乙胺丁醇 C.异烟肼、利福平、吡嗪酰胺、阿米卡星 D.异烟肼、利福平、吡嗪酰胺、链霉素 E.以上都不是 [多选题]道岔由()等组成
A.转辙机 B.辙叉及护轨 C.联结部分 D.连结部分 [单选题]该患者入院后仍间断发作憋气,在进行检查和临床观察时应特别关注的是( )
A.症状缓解时的活动耐力 B.上呼吸道检查 C.血压波动情况 D.发作时心、肺体征 E.有无杵状指 [判断题]“J35-T-18”: 表示梢径为 350mm,强度等级为 T 级,杆长为 18m 的无拉线转角水泥单杆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有关颗粒剂叙述错误的是()
A. 服用运输方便 B. 质量较汤剂稳定 C. 保持了汤剂作用迅速的特点 D. 颗粒干燥的温度一般是在60~80℃ E. 颗粒剂不易吸潮 [单选题]班务会,每周召开( ),由班长主持,主要是检查小结一周的工作。
A.1次 B.2次 C.3次 D.4次 [单项选择]The phrase "set oneself apart" (Line 3, Para. 2) means ______
A. to reserve to a particular use B. to put to one side C. to make noticeable or outstanding D. to determine to pursue [单选题]工程上,物体截面单位面积上的内力称为( )。
A.应力; B.压强; C.应变; D.扩张力。 [单项选择]下列燃烧产物中,( )是不完全燃烧产物。
A. CO2 B. CO C. H2O D. 灰分 [单选题]调节器宜设置()对位移观测桩。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [判断题]依据《评标委员会和评标方法暂行规定》(七部委12号令),开标由政府主管部门主持。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]化脓性脑膜炎最常见病原体是
A.脑膜炎双球菌 B.链球菌 C.大肠杆菌 D.厌氧菌 E.绿脓杆菌 我来回答: 提交