It’s an annual back-to-school routine. One morning you wave goodbye, and that (21) evening you’re burning the mid-night oil in sympathy. In the race to improve educational standards, (22) are throwing the books at kids. (23) elementary school students are complaining of homework fatigue. What’s a well-meaning parent to do
As hard as (24) may be, sit back and chill experts advise. Though you’ve got to get them to do it, (25) helping too much, or even examining answers too carefully, you may keep them (26) doing it by themselves. "! wouldn’t advise a parent to check every (27) assignment," says psychologist John Rosemond, author of Ending the Tough Homework, "There’s a (28) of appreciation for trial and error. Let your children (29) the grade they deserve."
Many experts believe parents should gently look over the work of younger children and ask the
A. drop
B. short
C. cut
D. lack
As Texas begins to recover from two
weeks of devastating storms, a generally hidden truth about its economy will
come to light again. Most of the builders and electricians who will have to
repair the houses, remake the roads and re-establish the electrical power lines
will have to take on undocumented workers in order to meet their contracts. In
1996 the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (INS) conservatively estimated
that Texas had over 600,000 undocumented immigrants doing the jobs no one else
wants: hauling carcasses in packing plants, picking fruit, cleaning hotel rooms,
or sorting out the unspeakable damage caused by natural disasters. Mention the issue of these workers to a Texan, and he is liable to fall uncharacteristically silent. Even state legislators avoid the issue. They know that many of their constituents e A. hard-working but costly B. lazy but cheap C. hard-working and ambitious D. hard-working and cheap [单项选择]Frame默认的布局管理器是
A. FlowLayout B. BorderLayout C. GridLayout D. CardLayout [单项选择]某建筑物实际年龄与有效年龄的关系是( )。
A. 实际年龄=有效年龄 B. 实际年龄>有效年龄 C. 实际年龄<有效年龄 D. A、B、C均可能 [多选题]人际支持网络在改变职业倦怠中的作用是( )。
A.缓解压力 B.加强人际交流 C.获得帮助 D.提高自信 [判断题]依据《水利部办公厅关于进一步做好大型水利枢纽建设项目安全评价工作的通知》大型水利枢纽建设项目竣工验收前,需由项目法人委托安全评价机构,按照《水利水电建设项目安全验收评价指导意见》(办安监[2013]139号),编制安全验收评价报告,报工程竣工验收主持单位。审查通过的安全验收评价报告是工程竣工验收必要条件之一。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 《国家电网公司安全事故调查规程》中的人身事故涵盖电力生产、煤矿及多种产业、( )、交通、因公外出等发生的本单位各种用工形式的人员和其他相关人员的人身事故。
A.非生产性办公经营场所; B.生产性办公经营场所; C.非生产性办公场所; D.生产性经营场所 [多选题]机械变速箱油温过高—原因及排故方法
A.齿轮油变质——更换 B.密封圈 破损——更换 C.油位不正常—— 补加或减少 [单选题]《铁路客运运价规则》第12条规定,加快票票价的起码里程为()km。
A.A、20.0 B.B、100.0 C.C、400.0 D.D、500.0 [单项选择]
Three factors contribute to the miraculous spread of English (36) an international language: English usage in science, technology and commerce; the ability to (37) vocabulary from other languages; and the acceptability of various English dialects. [单选题]甲公司认为公司运行状况良好,所以制定的战略基本没有发生较大的变化,仅有一些小的修正。甲公司正处在战略变革发展阶段中的 ( )
A.连续阶段 B.渐进阶段 C.不断改变阶段 D.全面阶段 [单选题]下潜时经常观察压力表和浮力表,错误的是( )。
A.保持中性浮力 B.每下潜4米均需观察周边情况 C.气瓶压力低于5MPa 时必须上浮出水 D.速度不得大于18米/分钟 [判断题] ( )气动控制系统的二位三通转阀用于控制一条气路的断通或一个气动装置的进气或放气。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]治中风口眼斜,最宜选用
A.蝉蜕 B.天南星 C.白芥子 D.白附子 E.胖大海 [单选题]应变片式压力传感器的电阻应变效应的关键元件是电阻应变片。电阻应变片有金属应变片和()应变片两类。(1分)
A. 非金属 B. 导体 C. 半导体 [判断题]机车车辆前进时应鸣示起动注意信号。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在接发列车时,应按《技规》规定的时间,停止影响列车进路的调车作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]发生化工装置灾害事故,核查事故部位发生在( )、换热器、空冷器等单体设备,1个或数个生产单元以及整套装置的具体情况。( )
A.塔; B.釜; C.泵; D.容器 [单选题]男婴,足月,顺产,娩出时脐带绕颈1周,Apgar评分1分钟与5分钟分别为3分、7分。体检:易激惹,拥抱反射增强,肌张力高。最可能是( )
A.新生儿低血糖 B.脑室管膜下出血 C.新生儿低血钙 D.新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病 E.新生儿脑膜炎 [单选题]胃蛋白酶最适宜作用的pH值是()。
A.1.5-2.5 B.4-5 C.25T5 D.6.5~7.5 [单选题]
在近球小管全部被重吸收的物质是 A.葡萄糖、氨基酸、维生素 B.H2O、Na+、Cl-、K+ C.尿素、尿酸 D.肌酐 E.氨 [单项选择]运动神经元病早期最常受累的部位是()
A. 腰髓前角细胞 B. 胸髓前角细胞 C. 骶髓前角细胞 D. 颈髓前角细胞 E. 延髓脑神经核细胞 我来回答: 提交