In many parts of the world there is a debate about whether children should use pocket calculators in math lessons. They help children work faster and pass examinations. But critics say that they make the subject to o easy.
This concern that .technology is doing much of our thinking for us cuts across many areas. People who use computers for many years find that their handwriting had deteriorated (变差). Artists paint pictures using computer software rather than learning to draw and paint. Tennis players no longer try to outwit (在智慧上战胜) their opponents. Advances in tennis racket technology make it easier to just blast the ball past them.
Technology used to be about freeing people from boring physical labor like washing clothes. Now it is taking over increasingly complicated mental functions. Analysts are also worded about the effect of media saturation (渗透). The idea is that a constant diet of television has made people to o impatient to listen while things a
A. will help students think fast
B. will make math to o easy for them
C. will de harm to students' thinking ability
D. will contribute to the spread of new technology
Tell an investment banker that a
picture bought in 1950 for $30,000 sold this month for $104.1 million and you
will be unlucky if you fail to get his attention. That was the case with the
portrait of a young boy by Picasso when Sotheby’s dispersed on May 5 the tail
end of the famous collection formed by the late John Hay Whitney and his wife
Betsy Cushing Whitney. Sales added up to almost $190 million within two
hours. If you then go on to explain that Whitney bought the 1905 portrait not for investment but for art’s sake, because he loved 19th- and 20th-century painting, you might well be greeted with a stare of compassionate irony. Yet that was exactly so. Had the heir to a vast fortune consulted experts at the time, most would have advised against the acquisition. Received wisdom in the 1950s A. its art historical importance B. its aesthetic characterization C. the general public’s idea D. its beauty [单项选择]某公司在组织结构上采用的是矩阵型,这种组织结构可能带来的最大缺陷是什么?()
A. 多头指挥 B. 各部门之间难以协调 C. 高层管理者难以控制 D. 职权职责不清 [简答题]某装置月处理量为10000吨/月,已知该月消耗瓦斯为1200吨,水180000吨,电7850000千瓦时,蒸汽3750吨,试求当月单耗。
A.分部分项工程量清单的项目编码由10位阿拉伯数字表示 B.项目编码是指分部分项工程量清单项目名称的数字标识 C.招标人在编制分部分项工程量清单时,必须载明项目的综合单价 D.分部分项工程量清单中需要对项目特征进行简要的描述 [单项选择]
A. easy B. single C. simple D. similar [单选题]《旅客列车抽测体温工作指南》中,水银温度计使用后刻度保持在( )以下。
A.35.5℃ B.36℃ C.36.5℃ D.37℃ [单项选择]心尖区听诊最清晰的心音是()。
A. 第一心音 B. 第二心音 C. 第三心音 D. 第四心音 E. 第五心音 [单项选择]哪一种组织结构不参与胎盘屏障的组成
A. 细胞滋养层 B. 合体滋养层 C. 绒毛内结缔组织 D. 绒毛毛细血管基膜及内皮 E. 内细胞群 [判断题]‘年9月28日起实施的车辆分公司《消防安全管理规定》中指出,因工作需要员工换岗的,可免除消防安全方面的教育培训。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]SDH网元之间管理信息的传送通道是()
A. DCC B. MCC C. B1B2 D. K1K2 [单选题]依据《安全生产监管档案管理规定》,事故调查处理文件材料的归档,应在事故处理结束后( )内。( )
A.5日 B.7日 C.15日 D.1个月 [判断题]对因私出国并在国外长期定居的党员,出国学习研究超过10年仍未返回的党员,一般予以停止党籍。停止党籍的决定由保留其组织关系的党组织按照有关规定作出。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交