A man in a restaurant was giving the
waiter a lot of trouble. First, he felt it too hot, so he asked the waiter:
"Excuse me, could you turn on the air conditioner (空调) It’s too hot here that I
can’t bear any more!" Then a few minutes later he asked the waiter again:
"Excuse me! Now it’s too cold! Would you turn it off!" Several minutes later he
felt hot again, and he let the waiter come and asked him to turn on the air
conditioner again. This went on for about half an hour. However, although the customer was so annoying, the waiter was very kind. He did everything the man asked without getting angry. Finally, someone else in the restaurant could no longer bear it. He couldn’t help asking why the waiter didn’t just throw the annoying man out. And you [单选题]3.29.第29题
消弧线圈、干式电抗器、干式变压器空载电流,对单相变压器相间或三相变压器两个边相,空载电流差异不超过( )。 A.5% B.10% C.15% D.20% [多选题]下列符合施工负责人变更规定的是()
A.A1、B1 类施工,施工负责人不得变更 B.A2、A3 类作 业跟行调报备 C.C1 类作业跟维调报备 D.B2 类作业跟场调报备 [单项选择]患者男性,40岁,因右小腿严重外伤后发生气性坏疽,住院治疗。
下列处理不必要的是 A. 高压氧治疗 B. 手术 C. 隔离 D. 应用青霉素 E. 避光安静 [判断题]( )起动系的功用就是将蓄电池的电能转变为机械能,产生转矩,起动发动机。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
The Unied States of America is a founding member of the International Football Association. In 1913 the American Football Association was founded with over 7,000 registered clubs and 1.4 million players. [单项选择]下列叙述错误的是
A. 妊娠合并贫血是妊娠期最常见的合并症 B. 铁剂通过简单扩散方式从母体转给胎儿 C. 几乎有50%孕妇合并贫血 D. 为预防缺铁性贫血可从孕中期开始补铁治疗 E. 正常成年妇女体内含铁总量为2g,主要以结合方式存在 [单项选择]以下高(中)等医学院校不同学制毕业生,不能申请护士执业注册的是
A. 5年制大学本科 B. 3年制大学专科 C. 3年制中专 D. 2年制中专 E. 2年制研究生 [单项选择]某权益发行的债券面值为6000万元,年利率为2.5%,所得税税率为30%,则该企业每年支付的利息为( )万元
A. 45 B. 105 C. 150 D. 1800 [单选题]在爆破地点20m以内,矿车,未清除的煤、矸或其他物体堵塞巷道断面( )以上,严禁装药爆破。
A.三分之一 B.三分之二 C.四分之一 D.五分之一 [单项选择]癔症患者在回答问题时,答案近似而不准确,或者理解问题,回答错误,称为()
A. 虚构 B. 假性痴呆 C. 童样痴呆 D. 真性痴呆 E. 错构 [单选题]避雷器接地电阻应不大于
A.5Ω B.10Ω C.15Ω D.20Ω [单选题]世界经济区别于一般国民经济的根本原因是
A.经济活动主体多 B.国民价值增值机制 C.经济调控手段差异 D.经济边界长 [名词解释]家庭
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