Nurse! I Want My Mummy When a child is ill in hospital, a parent’s first reaction is to be {{U}} (51) {{/U}} them. Most hospitals now allow parents to sleep {{U}} (52) {{/U}} with their child, providing a bed or sofa on the ward. But until the 1970s this {{U}} (53) {{/U}} was not only frowned upon (不赞同) -- it was actively discouraged. Staff worried that the children would be {{U}} (54) {{/U}} when their parents left, and so there was a blanket (通用的) ban. A concerned nurse, Pamela Hawthorn, disagreed and her study "Nurse, I want my mummy!" published in 1974, {{U}} (55) {{/U}} the face of paediatric (儿科的) nursing. Martin Johnson, a professor of nursing at the University of Salford, said that the work of {{U}} (56) {{/U}} like Pa A. which B. this C. what D. thus [单选题]蜂蜜少司常用于下列哪种菜肴( ) 。
A.烤鸡 B.丁香焗火腿 C.煎小牛扒 D.焗蜗牛 [单选题]甲状腺危象时,为抑制甲状腺激素合成,首选药物是:
A.甲硫氧嘧啶 B.丙硫氧嘧啶 C.普萘洛尔 D.碘化钠静脉滴注 E.氢化可的松静脉滴注 [多项选择]WLAN热点接入设备当采用WAPI模式时,应支持GB15629.11-2003和GB15629.11-2003/XG1-2006标准,应支持()和()算法。
A. FEC B. SMS4 C. ECC D. CRC [简答题][T]AD003522
安全教育基本内容有安全意识教育、安全知识教育(安全生产标志)。 [判断题]对发生常见故障的出纳机具可由使用人员进行简单维护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]开封:汴京
A.广州:羊城 B.湖南:湘 C.大连:沈阳 D.西安:长安 [单项选择]
The front matter of a book consists of the title, subtitle, table of contents, and preface. But the (1) of readers who pay no attention to the signals is larger than you might expect, unless you happen to be one of those who are (2) to admit it. I have this experience again and again (3) students. I have asked them (4) a book was about. I have asked them to tell me, in the most general (5) , what sort of book it was. This, I have (6) , is a good way, almost an indispensable (7) , to begin a discussion. [单选题]对小车变幅的塔式起重机,起重力矩限制器应分别由( )进行控制。
A.起重量和起升速度 B.起升速度和幅度 C.起重量和起升高度 D.起重量和幅度 [单选题]C-E-008 3
重庆单轨列车整车解体,维修人员很难接近中心销部位进行维修,可以拧动车身地板上的专用螺栓就可以将转向架和( )分离。 A.油压减震器 B.车体 C.齿轮箱 D.中央悬挂 [单项选择]有关操作标准和建立控制界限的叙述,错误的是()
A. 操作标准是指正常期望值 B. 控制界限是在操作标准上建立起来的 C. 如果控制界限多次被超过,应立即确定问题所在 D. 质量控制光楔片在放入冲洗机的部位不影响控制界限 E. 曝光后立即和过一段时间冲洗都是引起控制界限不同的原因 [单选题] 乌头汤的组成
A.乌头、桂枝、芍药、生姜、大枣、甘草 B.乌头、桂枝、芍药、黄芪、赤石脂 C.乌头、麻黄、芍药、黄芪、甘草 D.乌头、麻黄、芍药、黄芪、赤石脂 E.乌头、附子、蜀椒、干姜、赤石脂 [判断题]车辆通过ETC车道速度过快时,通过线圈有可能检测不到车辆通过。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]She told them where she ______ her son.
A. has last seen B. had last seen C. last seen D. was last seeing [判断题]《山东省农村信用社信贷管理基本制度》是信贷管理必须遵循的基本准则,是制定各种信贷产品和信贷业务管理办法的基本依据。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]叙述产科扪腹部的内容。
[单选题]“所谓华山洞者,以其乃华山之阳名之也”出自哪篇文章( )
A.《游褒禅山记》 B.《沁园春》 C.《雨霖铃》 [单选题]保本浮动收益型的投资型保险产品(如分红保险和万能保险等)风险等级为( )。
A. 低风险 B. 中风险 C. 高风险 D. 无风险 [单项选择]早产儿的胎龄应是( )。
A. >25周至<37足周 B. >26周至<37足周 C. >27周至<38足周 D. >28周至<37足周 E. >28周至<38足周 [判断题]2.65 初次申领机动车号牌、行驶证的,机动车所有人应当向住所地的车辆管理所申请注册登记。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]胸腰椎后凸曲线增大,造成胸椎明显后凸,形成驼背,最常见于
A. 脊柱结核 B. 强直性脊柱炎 C. 脊柱退行性变 D. 佝偻病 E. 脊柱压缩性骨折 我来回答: 提交